Friday, October 14, 2011

Today was the walk-a-thon at Bug's school.  Last year, as a kindergartner, Bug walked for about 2 hours.  Now as a 1st grader, Bug walks the entire time- 5 hours!!!  I volunteered to be a mileage stamper again this year.  In the morning, I took over the 27 water bottles for one of the classes (it was the class furthest from the front door of the school).  Then I had about 2 hours before my shift started at the stamp station.  one lap around the school is a half mile (approximately 800 meters).  Bug was at lunch when I started my shift, but I soon saw him coming around the school.  He was very happy to see me as he walked up to the table.

See- one happy boy to see his momma

Bug walked with one of his classmates.  This was later in the afternoon, when I got to walk a lap with him.

RAIN!!!!!  One little cloud that spit rain on us for a little while

Bug getting stamped - he had walked 6 miles at this point.

The proof!!!

His classmate's mileage chart, he had walked a mile more than Bug.

The second rain cloud that came and spit rain on us.
Bug finished the day having walked 7.75 miles!!!!  I am so proud of him.  I loved seeing the kids again and seeing their excitement as they got a stamp.  We don't what the money is going to this year, but I heard it was to fund language classes for the younger kids!!!!!!! But I also know that Bug's classroom was flooded and 1200 books his teacher had bought with her own money over her years teaching were destroyed.  I am hoping some of the money goes to replace her books.

In the evening, Bug had cub scouts.  He was so excited to get his Tiger cap.

I was more excited that he got his first award

Bug earned his soccer pin.  He earned a few more things, but there will be a big ceremony for those in early November.  I can't wait for that ceremony

There is the pin he earned, it actually goes on his belt
So that was our busy, busy day.  Bug is exhausted, but he stayed awake until 9:30 tonight.  He has a soccer game at 12 noon, so I am hoping he sleeps until 10 am at least.  And I think I might encourage him to take a nap tomorrow afternoon.

well that is all for tonight.
Love and hugs,

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