Thursday, December 01, 2011

First school concert

Bug's school had a performance of "A Charlie Brown Christmas" today.  It was put on by the 1-3rd graders.  The 3rd graders had the speaking parts and the young kids were the choir.  Bug was so excited.  I attended both performances- one during the afternoon and the other in the evening.  Bug was very relaxed and thoroughly enjoyed himself in the afternoon concert- he was singing his heart out.

We had some after concert treats with Little M (soon to be a big brother) and Little M's momma. Silliness was the order of business.

At the evening performance, Bug was very shy.  OK, he had some of that at the afternoon show- hiding behind one of the other kids every time he saw my camera.  But in the evening performance he looked overwhelmed.  When I talked to him after the show, he told me he was never doing that again because he did not like so many people looking at him.

I am lost at what to do- he loves to sing, dance and play music.  He loves interaction with people, but at the same time, he is so shy.  I don't want him to miss out on the things he enjoys like I did.  I was shy too (hard to believe, right), and I quit many things because of my shyness.  I refused to try things, refused to move on from bad things, pushed my own creativity down all because of my shyness.  I don't want that for Bug, but I also don't want him to feel forced or pushed into anything.  There has to be a balance, and I am struggling to find that balance since underneath it all, I am still the same shy person I was years ago, I just mask it better now. any suggestions?

Love and hugs,

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