Tuesday, October 13, 2015

school picture and I promise to update with our activites from the last month

 Rocket Man's latest school picture arrived last night (of course, I had to ask for it today after seeing all his friends' pictures being posted on Facebook by their parents).  He looks so grown up.  Where did my baby go??????
We got to see replicas of the Nina and Pinta in September.  We took Rocket's friend from school.  Apparently, I forgot I posted these last month.  I am loosing my mind.

Hehe, I got a picture with his eyes closed.

The boys, the boat and the Big Mac bridge.  Lots of B's.
Rocket man has had soccer games each weekend and once during the week.  His team has done so well, they will be in a playoff on Halloween to see if they go into the year end tournament.  Apparently, at 10 years old, the boys are not supposed to be excited about Halloween trick or treating, because the playoff game is scheduled at 4 pm.  Trick or treating starts at 6 pm.  I think we will get home from the game just as the kids start coming down the street.  What adult plans these things?
that's all for now.
Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. I keep looking at the pictures on the boats and I can't believe you and I stood on the same deck! I mean, I know we've both been in Disney and both in Guatemala, but somehow that we were both on these boats blows my mind. :)
