Monday, July 04, 2016

4th of July Weekend

Saturday night, Rocket and I head out to the local outdoor music venue for a Pops concert.  He was not too sure about it and was not happy that I bought tickets for it and we might miss church on Sunday.  But, he got there and was OK with it.  We had to stand around for a while before the gates opened, but once they opened we headed out to the lawn to find a seat.  We had tickets for the area under the cover, but it was not supposed to rain and I thought sitting out on the lawn would be nicer to see the fireworks after the concert.   I had made some chicken for dinner and packed our bag.  We got all settled and I pulled out the chicken- I must have let it sit in the refrigerator too long before cooking it, because it was GROSS.  We threw the chicken away, I bought us some coneys and pizza to have instead.  Rocket was pretty happy about the food after that.

Our view of the stage- it is way back there in the black area- thankfully, there are screens.

The Rocket man and me.  We ran into a few friends while at the concert.

As it got darker, we could see the stage.  The show was patriotic music, with the USO tribute included.  We got to see 2 WWII vets, vets from the Korean war, the Vietnam war and more recent conflicts.  Every vet received a standing ovation.  During the last part of the concert, the Pops played the theme music for each of the branches of the US military and the vets from those services were asked to stand in the audience so we could honor them.  We had some Army and Air Force vets near us.  It was very a very moving tribute.

As the concert started, the rain started, not enough to seek shelter, but enough to be annoying.  Rocket sought shelter  under the blanket, I stuck it out.  Next time, no matter what the weather forecasters say, I am bring our rain ponchos.

After the concert, there was 10 minute wait until the fireworks started.  They were great!  I love watching fireworks.

After the concert, we had a boring wait in the parking lot until the cars cleared out.  Seriously, it was longer than expected.  On the way home, the rain started coming down in earnest.  We got home around midnight.  I was all for sleeping in on Sunday, but Rocket really wanted to go to church as the youth group was having "game day". 
We did get up for church and Rocket had a great time at youth group.  After church, he and I worked the pre-registration tables at the Pray-Hope-Believe 5K run.  I was handing out the goodie bags/ number bibs and he was handing out the tee- shirts.  I expect quite a lot of people to come in right after church to pick up their stuff, but when we left after 3 hours, not even half the people had picked up their stuff.

Our friend, Jodi, with rocket in the background.

Yep- he is thrilled to death to be doing this.

We had to leave after about 3 hours, my foot was killing me and I had a migraine.  I have plantar fasciitis in my foot.  It is not fun at all, but standing and walking really bother it.   By the time we left, the rain was just pouring down. 
The rain was expected all weekend- including on the 4th.  On the 4th, Rocket and I stayed home, slept in late and played games (card games and board games). 
Rocket is off to Y camp starting tomorrow.  I think he will be happy to be back in a routine, I know  I will be happy to be back in our summer routine.
Happy Birthday America- 240 years young.
Love and hugs,

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