Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Post election catch up

Working backward, from most recent pictures.  Sunday and Monday, we had the Super Moon in the sky.  the moon is the closest it is has been to the earth in 70+ years, so the moon looks 15% bigger.   My iPhone takes horrid pictures at night, but this is what I saw on Monday night.

Saturday night, we went to the hockey game.  Each month, Rocket has to volunteer at scouts for highway clean up.  They go out and pick up trash along the highway.  They get paid for this and the money offsets the costs for camping and supplies.  A big corporation donated box seats to the troop, so all the boys who have volunteered through October had their names put in a hat.  6 boys' names were picked and they each got 2 tickets.  Rocket was one of the boys picked.  He took Falco (with some prompting from mom) and I bought my own ticket.  The boys were up high in one of the suites- they had nice couches, etc (no food) to sit on and watch the game.  I was down below them, but I could see them on the suite's balcony.
Here they are dancing to the YMCA song.

My seats were great.  I was less than 15 rows from the ice (very cold) and I could see both goals.  I am in the corner, so one goal was right in front of me.  this was one of the games during intermission.  I really want to do this.  you are in a bubble and you walk or run across the ice and slam into another player.  Usually both fall down, but it looked like so much fun.  I was laughing so hard during this game.

here are the boys in the suite. 

this is when the home team was announced.  I could feel the heat from the flames, I was that close.

right before the team came out.  Our team ended up loosing 3-4 in overtime, blowing a 3 point lead they took into the second period.  It was fun though.  I would definitely go to another hockey game.

Me with the ice behind me- this is warm ups.

Saturday afternoon, Mam and I attend a baby shower for my niece K and her partner T.  T is in white, K is in blue.  They are having twins, due in January.  This was the family baby shower, me and mam from our side and about 8 others from Uncle Darrell's side of the family.

We got to make onsies for them- Mam's is on top and mine is below.  I think on of the twins (H1 and H2) is going to be a gymnast.  that is what I was going for with my onsie.

the cute cake K's other grandma made. 

Last weekend, Flaco got to go backpacking with the older boys in the scout troop.  They left on Friday and came home Sunday after hiking about 15 miles (9 KM) over the weekend.  Falco did not take his phone to take pictures, but the pictures below are from one of the dad's on the hike.

Pretty Fall trees.  The troop had to carry in all their food and water as they were in the back country, so for this one, the troop leaders only wanted the older boys.  Rocket's age group will go on the summer hike in Michigan where they will be on an island (about 5 miles wide and 2 miles long) for a night or 2. That will be easier for the younger boys to do, so they recommended we not send the younger boys on the longer hike this time.

The sunset over the river while on the hike

Tuesday was voting day. 
I took the boys with me, they got to see my ballot and then we stayed up until 2 am hoping the outcome would change.  I did not vote for DT, I did vote for HC because I did not want DT to win.  I would have voted for an independent if DT was not in the race.  I am so upset with the outcome of the election.  I spent Wednesday pretty much in tears all day.  I actually looked at job openings in company outside of the US.  I can not believe this country voted in a man who speaks hatred like DT.  I fear for Rocket in the next 4 years.  I have friends whose children were adopted and those kids are already being bullied since the election.  Rocket says nothing is being said at his school or at least to him, but I will be watching and listening.  I fear for Falco, but I know he is going home soon so he likely will not experience anything though he has told me about some heated discussions in his government class where he is the only one speaking moderation.  I don't think we will host again until the next election cycle (2020).  there is too much racial tension here in my city, for various reasons, and I don't want a student exposed to the evil side of the US.  I have calmed down since last Wednesday, but I am watching and listening.  I have had to unfriend a few people on Facebook.  They were rude and hateful to the current president and it got worse after the election and then they started with taunts and boasting and that was all I could take. 
It is probably not the best response from me, but in real life I would have walked away from them, so why is different that I walk away from them on FB?
In any case, it is going to be long time before I can relax and not fear for my boy.  He hits 2 of the groups that the president elect targeted in his election campaign and no matter how much he says it was not his intent, there are his followers who did and do mean it and they don't care if who they go after.

Basketball practice- thanks to running with Falco, Rocket (in blue) is running much better and a little faster.  he is not the last one walking the circuit.  He is middle of the pack and he passes people.  I am so happy.  Thanks FALCO.
Well, that's all for today- Rocket is sick and I have to get him to the doctor's office soon.
Love and hugs,

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