Monday, May 10, 2010

lots of photos- captions tomorrow (Updated- captions now included)

As promised - the captions to all the photos below

Pap and hijo taking out a bush on the side of my parents home.  they worked on this while Mam and I attended a class at church- hosted by this lady.  Then Mam and I headed to the garden center to pick up veggies for the garden.
After getting our plants, I took Mam and Pap to dinner at Cracker B.arrel.  Hijo and Pap had a rousing game of checkers which ended in a temper tantrum by an adult.  No further comment on that from me, but Pap amd Mam missed ice cream becuase I was done being in a drama session again.

Sunday: Mother's Day in the US

Mam came over after church- Pap was resting.  We had some play time on the back porch- actually Mam and hijo had play time while I worked in the garden and listened to the fun.

Mam and hijo played some hide-n-seek, which I eventually joined in on.  Hijo seems to think that he is skinny enough to hide behind the clothes line (he is a funny little boy).  We discovered that hiding behind the japanese maple tree is perfect for watching most of the yard.

We checked out the strawberries that growing- hijo really wants them NOW!!!!

The gardens- strawberries, potatoes, onions, radishes, carrots, letttuce, swiss chard, snap peas, and corn at this point.  Corn is on the far end.

I grilled steaks and cooked corn for dinner- delicious!!!!!!  We had enough steak for me to have lunches this week too.


Finally, I could plant the summer veggies.  Saturday and Sunday nights the temperatures got down to freezing, so the plants spent the nights on my dinning room table.  Monday I had to get everything planted at lunch before the rain moved in.  We are supposed to get rain for the rest of the week.

Hijo's garden- 2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers!!! Right up on the patio so that hijo can eat them straight from the vine.  he has cherry tomatoes- his favorite.

The pepper plants in- 2 rows in the front.  We have 4 sweet peppers- green and yellow.  We also have 4 hot peppers - this is my first year with hot peppers.  I have been told the longer they are on the vine, they mellow, so we are going for as long as possible on the vine.  I will need to fine some reciepes for them. 
Here is the lettuce, radishes, carrots and swiss chard bed.  things are coming up- I might get a few things this season becuase I should have planted 3-4 weeks earlier then I actually did.

Monday evening:
The rain stayed away, so knowing that the rain was coming for the rest of the week, I took hijo to park.

Hijo fell asleep on the way to the park- too precious.

But he woke up to have fun at the park before heading over to Mam and Pap's house while I went to class at church.

So that is our Mother's Day weekend.

we hope you had a great Mother's day.

Love and hugs,

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