Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wow- where has the time gone???????

May 2006

May 2007

May 2008


May 2010

Has it really been 4 years since I frist held my baby, the baby that is not such a baby any more?  Has it really been 3 years since we came home and started our life as a family?  Has my baby grown up so much that he is starting kindergarten in 14 weeks?????

I am amazed at how the time has flown and how different this year is then last and how last year was so different from the year before.  This year we hit our stride- I really got the routinue down as a momma and single mom at that.  Hijo has grown leaps and bounds.  I can really say of the last 3 years, this has been the best for us- I really love this age he is at and I will say, looking back, babies and toddlers are not my favorite ages at all.  That does not mean I did not love hijo at those ages, but rather, my strength is not raising babies or toddlers- preschoolers and older for me.  Or at least at this point- preschoolers.  Have I said that I love this age???

more to come over the next week as I look back at the last year and share some more 3-4 year old pictures of hijo to remind myself of how much he has changed and I have changed since he and I first met each other in May 2006.

love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. Deb,

    My! How's he's grown! I can tell from your posts that you really love this age. You two are truly a family. :-)

