Sunday, June 13, 2010

The day finally came

No pictures for this one.  But just some info to show how far hijo has come.

Most of my regular readers and friends know, hijo is mas timido (very shy/timid).  It took him almost 1 year to finally talk in Sunday School.  Another friend recently commented that it was the first time he had ever heard hijo talk.  But I know that once hijo gets started, he talks up a storm.  I saw the signs in soccer this year, he was right in the teachers faces to get their attention and he latched on to R to make sure he had someone to talk to during soccer class.

Well, I went to pick him up from Sunday School today and one of the teachers pulled me aside.  Apparently for the last few weeks, hijo and few friends have been spending the class chatting the entire time.  So she asked me to talk to him and the teachers will be separating the kids into new groups.

Yes, you read that correctly, my shy guy is a talking machine and I have had my first conference eon behavior issues with a teacher.  I know it is not too bad, but it is such a change from where he was last year.  he is now in the oldest age group in the class- the kids who will be going to kindergarten in the fall.  So they are the leaders, and what the older kids do, the younger ones will copy.  So we need to nip this in the bud.

I see this being an issue all this year in school year- I might as well prepare now. Of Course, I had a talk with him and I will work with him to ensure that he understands proper behavior.  I am proud that he is talking in class, but he needs to learn the proper time to talk.  He is still little yet, and it is a skill he has to learn through school- so right now I am not extremely concerned.  Truth be told, I am excited to find out he is comfortable enough to talk in class.

Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. That's AWESOME! Way to get in trouble, little man!

    Also, time for me to be the geeky teacher. I think the side bar should be "La primera familia." Familia is feminine. Ugh, I'm such a geek. Sorry. One of the downfalls of my job is spending half a year teaching "hola-que-tal" and the other half teaching "MFSP and oasaamosan." (Another example of how geeky I am. I condensed al the year's grammar into two initial-filled pneumonics to help kids understand. MFSP = masculine-feminine-singular-plural for adjective agreement. o-as-a-amos-an = regular -ar verb endings all mushed together to make a funny word.) (And another example of what a geek I am - I have to explain it all!)

    Keep talking, Little Man! You've got a lot to say!
