Sunday, January 12, 2014

Making snow- science in the midst of deep freeze

It was beyond cold early this week.  We started last Saturday in the mid 40s ( about 5 degrees C).  Sunday, it was supposed to snow, but rained instead and then the bottom fell out.  Monday we had a high of 2 degrees F and Tuesday was -10 degrees F.  I have no idea  what that is in Celsius, but it cold does not come  close to describing it.  Bug was supposed to go back to school on Monday, but school was cancelled both days due to the cold.  Frost bite can set in within 10 minutes, so walking to school or standing at the bus stop is dangerous.  Add to that there was a good chance some buses would not start due to the cold and it was a wise decision to cancel school.

Bug and I did a science experiment on Tuesday morning.  In order to do this, the temperature has to be below freezing for 24 hours.

Boil one cup water
Go outside and throw the water into the air

The water will freeze on contact with the air and come down as ice and snow.

It was so cool.  We did it two times.  This is video is the second time.  Please excuse the messy kitchen, it was on my list to organize over the holiday and I never got it done.

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