Tuesday, October 05, 2010

hanging out in trees and playing at the park

Some cute pics from yesterday when we took a walk around the neighborhood with MA.  I will spare you the story of the dog- boxer, the size of a small horse that jumped on us and the total ignorance of the dog's owners.  Let's just leave it with the conclusion that I filed a report with the SPCA today against the neighbors.

I am not sure what Bug was doing here, other than ignoring me at the library when I told him he had 5 more minutes to play.

today we headed over to the park for some play time.  It used to be time at the park was pushing Bug on the swing and coaxing him to try something.  Now it is race after him and try to take photos as he is in constant motion.

 I was trying to get him to take a picture with me, but it was more fun to slide down and bump into me.  He only got 2 times doing that before I had to put a stop to it.
 And then I got my picture- same slide that I took a photo of my niece and nephew on about 15 years ago.

Some new skills from bug-

And the latest swing developments- bug now can hold on so I can push him by running underneath his swing- so he goes WAY HIGH and laughs the whole time.

 And he really no longer fits in the baby seat.  We got him in, but his feet barely fit, so this was it- no mare baby swing.  I am sad- even though I really get tired of pushing him, it is hard to fathom that he is growing up and he is moving toward a more independent life.
The picture would lead a person to believe that we are a happy little family- but we are struggling.  Bug's response to everything is whining, NO, a temper tantrum, or growling at me.  It is a constant struggle daily to get through the day.  He is an angry little boy and I am the chief target to everything.  If I ask a question, he bites my head off, if I give him the snack, it is not the right thing, etc.  Today he ordered me around like a servant after I gave him the hot chocolate he requested but he decided while I made it he wanted white milk.  he then yelled at me to go get him his white milk like he wanted.  it was a bad afternoon.  I wish I could figure out what is going on in him- the change to going to school, the fact that I travelled, growing up- anything that would give me a clue as to why he is so angry about everything now.  I am worn out and I feel defeated every day.  We  can not go on like this - it becomes a vicious cycle with me becoming too frustrated and then him acting out even more. I am not sure what to do, but I have to do something because we can not go on like this.  I am becoming my fathers- totally negative about every thing and too harsh on those around me.  This is not who I am or who I want to be.  I am looking at options for both of us, so we can grow stronger as a family, so we can learn from this and work through it. I just know that we are going down the wrong path right now and I need to change our direction before it is too late.

Please pray for wisdom on the right direction to go and for the right things to come into our lives so we can learn the skills to get through this and come through it as a stronger family.

Love and hugs,


  1. Praying that things get better. I would assume a lot has to do with Bug's age and the transition to school. We have gotten some of the same reactions from Rudy. I sometimes think he is working so hard to be good at school all day that once he comes home, anything can happen!

  2. Pray you all have the fortitude and strengh to enjoy a worthwhile, rich and enjoyable life together for ever and ever. Strengh we wish to you both. Big hug from Scotland my friend. Love Iain & Miryam.
