Sunday, March 28, 2010

Relegated to the sidelines OR "Momma, us boys can do it"

After our fun day yesterday, we had a work day today.  We needed to get the lawn mower ready for grassing cutting- which I am putting off until the week after Easter.  So Pap came over (Mam came too) and got the mower ready. 
Some background- this is an event that we do each year- it usually involves my dad lecturing me on care of my lawn mower the entire time.  This is a day that I just prepare myself for the fact that I never will get through without being told I have done something wrong- so prepared I can just let it roll off my back and move on.  It is just my dad. 

Hijo always wants to help and  shock of all shocks today, when my dad basically excluded me and set about teaching hijo how to service the lawn mower.  On one hand, it is great that they had some male bonding time, on the other hand, I was not happy- but overall, I suddenly see the light at the end of the tunnel.  One day hijo will take over servicing the lawn mower and I will be on the sidelines more and more.  But that is years away.  I definitely see the time coming when Pap will have to just supervisor these maintenance things around the house. 

So now I know that hijo will be servicing the lawn mower too- I like doing it so I will be helping.

Pap is showing hijo how to space the spark plug before putting it into the lawn mower.

Changing the air filter.  Then Pap sharpened the blade while hijo scrapped the underside of the mower.  This is where I was told AGAIN that I need to clean the mower off every time I mow the grass.  I actually think I did before I put the mower away in the fall, but yet again, not to the level my dad expects. 

Hijo helped to put the blade back on- he got to tighten the bolt.
Which takes lots of concentration and is ver intense work.  I love this picture.

Pap finished tighening the bolt  and then the boys took care of the best jobs ever (in hijo's opinion)

Sweeping up the grass he scrapped off the bottom of the mower and filling up the oil tank.

Checking the oil level.  The rain came right after this, so thankfully we were all done. 
It was a good day- to only be lecured about the mower is a good thing.  Hijo was happy becuase he was Pap's special helper and I stood back and just watched.  A good day for some male bonding time. 

I grilled hamburgers (in the rain) and we had a fun afternoon playing hide n seek in the house.  Hijo and I managed to hide well enough that Mam could not find us and she thought we were in the basement.  We were actually in my closet.  It was a good weekend.

Love and hugs,

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