We headed out to the Zoo today. One of our favorite places to enjoy. BB (big Brother) got to experience the fun of the zoo for the first time. Of course we started with the Rhino statues at the front.
And we saw a tortoise as soon as we came into the zoo. The tortoise is a pancake tortoise and it's name is "flapjack".
We saw the elephants, but they were boring today, so we posed at the elephant statue.

We got to see the giraffes, including the one eating right in front of us and the new baby giraffe, Nisha.
We headed to the African Savannah to see the lions (still sleeping), the flamingos, the painted dogs (not interested in us) and the bat eared foxes.
This is George, the Bat-eared fox. So cute!
Bat-eared Bug.
Bat eared BB
Bat-eared Mam
Bat-eared Momma
Penguins from Australia and New Zealand
RED PANDA ( I want one!!)
growing up, such a big boy.
BB's hand compared to a gorilla's hand. The gorillas were not out, it was a little too cool
Bug's foot with the gorilla foot print
My gorilla boys
The cardinal at lunch
BB's favorite animal- the white tiger
Bug is not happy
being eaten by an alligator. Such a fun day with the boys

looking at the white lions resting in the sun
after the zoo, we came home for a few hours before heading out to the park for a movie at the park with the cub scouts.
the boys had a great time playing with friends. They played soccer, basketball and Frisbee.

and some friends climbed the tree.
Look mom, no hands!!
finally time for the movie. First some karaoke. We got to hear "let it go" 4 times, "do you wanna build a snowman" 2 times and the ABC song 1 time. I can not image how many times we will hear the songs from Frozen before the movie next week (the movie is Frozen).

The grownups. it got cold and Bug, BB and I were freezing because I forgot to pack blankets and sweatshirts. I will not make that mistake again.

Bug says he liked his birthday. Tomorrow is his kid birthday party and it should be a great time.
Love and hugs,