Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Bug's school had their Halloween parade today.  Due to the weather, the kids lined up in the gym.  Bug was the Green Power Ranger for school. 

Bug at the turn

At home, this evening, he was batman.  My Baby Batman.

Ready to head out for candy

Multiple people at houses we visited remarked that Bug's costume was the best they had ever seen.  Terry did a great job on the costumes.

Bug finished trick or treating in 30 minutes.  He was tired, cold and said his feet hurt.  So we came home and relieved Mam of her duties handing out candy.  Bug sat with me for for the next hour handing out candy, then I finished up.

My Bug handing out candy

And finally covered up with a blanket and still handing out candy.

One happy little boy

My precious boy.

Love and hugs,

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Bug and I had a restful morning.  I did some work before my trip to NC on Sunday, and Bug watched TV.  Then we ran down to the car wash to vacuum out the trunk of the car.  Bug decided he wants to sit in the trunk of the car after it was vacuumed out.  We had to vacuum it because I bought a straw bale to use to cover the strawberry bed in our yard.  There was straw everywhere in the trunk.

This evening, we headed out to Spook-a-ree.  Bug was Batman.  This is a hand made costume that Terry loaned to us.  I love it. This is the last year Bug will be able to wear this, so I will be packing up the costumes (she actually sent 3 costumes) back to her.

N and J went with us.  N was Spiderman.  We had the superhero theme for tonight.

2 moms, 2 boys and lots of fun!

Happy boys on the hay ride

Trick or treating at the fort

"epic battle" in the lines while we waited to play games

N as the pumpkin, Bug as the Mummy- too cute

My little Mummy

growling at the mommas

Big boy was at cub world too. 
We had a great time at Spook-a-ree (the cub scout Halloween event).  There were so many things to do and the boys were happy as could be just hanging out.  The ride home was a bit of rough spot since the boys were so tired.  But this is definitely something we will do again.  N had a great time seeing what cub scouts do.  J and I made plans to get together more often.  We will see them next weekend for N's birthday celebration.  But we also are planning a movie day, roller skating, the zoo and some more fun over the next few months.  The boys love being together and J and I enjoy the momma time.

Love and hugs,

Monday, October 22, 2012

Bug fun

Bug has to do an art sketch every week for Art.  This was free choice or a sketch of 3 leaves- depends on which schedule from the art teacher you look at.  So I forced Bug's choice and made his sketch be the 3 leaves.  Our yard only has 3 small apple trees and Bug needed some time outside the house, so I packed a backpack and we headed to the local 'woods' to collect leaves.

There is a small pond in the woods and Bug spent some time looking for turtles.  Unfortunately, I think it is a little late in the year to see turtles out for most of the day.

Pablito came along.  He spent most of time sniffing EVERY SINGLE thing along the path. He was determined to find every smell out there and mark every single thing he could.  He is a silly little dog.  But he had a good time too

I like this area- definitely a beautiful place for pictures.  It is hard to believe that this woods is right next to a shopping district.  It is a place I forget about and we are definitely going to see more of in the coming months.

The boys resting.  Pablito found some friends and had a great time visiting with them.  Bug met a friend from church and had a good time walking and talking.  We ended up taking home 11 leaves.  At home, Bug was so inspired, he spent an hour drawing leaves and coloring them.  Art project was a great success.
Bonus was finding a great place to take the boys walking that they both liked.

Tonight was the annual school roller skating event.  I told Bug ahead of time that I was not skating this time and he was not getting money for video games/games to play instead of skating.  I expected we would spend about an hour at the skating rink.  BOY was I wrong.
Bug spent a few circuits hanging on to the edges and getting the feel of skating again.

But every time he came by, this is the face I saw.  He was loving it.

We had a coupon for pizza and soda, so we had dinner while the skaters who were more confident played games or raced (breaks in the all skate sessions)

After a slice of pizza and a drink, he was off again. 

he skated almost 2 hours.  When I finally told him it was time to go, he was not happy with me and ignored me for 15 minutes.  I think skating was a success for him. 

I think this is something that we should plan for the winter as a great activity on a snowy day.  Maybe we can convince J and N to join us. 

The last few days have reminded me that we need to get our and enjoy our local community.  We have lots of hidden gems around us and I tend to get into a routine and miss these opportunities.

Love and hugs,

Saturday, October 20, 2012

catching up

dinner out with the team in RTP the week of 08Oct.

We saw the wiener mobile after dinner.  It does play the Oscar Meyer theme song.

Painting as a team building activity

My pictures is the one next to guys in the blue shirt

Finish project with my Nene angel.  We all painted the same picutre, it was interesting to see how different they turned out.  I will have to get MA to send me the group photo.

Bug, doing homework before soccer on Thursday night.  He was working on his writing journal.

Playing hard

Throwing the ball.
In November, Bug will start twice a week soccer.  He will play on a team on Sunday nights and then continue with lessons/short game on Thursday nights.  The Sunday night team has friends from school on the same team, so he is very excited.

Love and hugs,

Saturday, October 13, 2012

back home finally

I have pictures from my business trip coming later, but I thought I would share this one with everyone.  Bug's second grade school picture.  He is such a handsome little man.

Love and hugs,

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Early October fun

It has been a busy week.  I finished the second quilt block.  There are only 2 more to do, the October blocks.  I will be working on then in a week or so.
But, I like this block- it looks like a sun or a sunflower.  I might have to do a quilt in this design in a year or so.

Friday, Bug had his walk-a-thon at school.  This is the tee shirt he worked on in September.  I really like it.  A friend in Scotland would like one too, so I think Bug and I will be working on tee shirts later this month.  We might have to make a few to head south to Guatemala too.

I got to school just after lunch.  Bug had already walked almost 8 miles.  He walked a total of 9 miles for the day.  He spent most of the afternoon hanging out with me, helping to stamp the other kids cards.

Today, we hung out at home.  The temperatures were very fall like today.   Bug played on his trampoline, Pablo hung out and I watched the fire pit.

I liked the fire pit- it is really nice on the crisp Fall evenings.

Love and hugs,