Oh the joys of being behind in posting. Lots has occurred over the last few weeks. Pictures are in no particular order.
Bug, testing the ride on lawn mower at the home and garden show. I took the boys to the show last Friday after school since we had a busy weekend.
Pablo enjoying the snow from last week.
BB enjoyed looking at the big tractors
Church had roller skating and Bug's school was supposed to have roller skating last week, but school was cancelled due to more snow/cold temperatures. The boys have missed 6 days of school due to snow and weather this winter.
Pablo, our cat dog. He enjoys the view of the neighborhood from the back of the loveseat. This also means he is a barking fool at anything that moves outside, which is annoying when I am on conference calls for work
Bug, caught trying to drive away at the home and garden show. What a cute picture.
hot and sweaty from roller skating
We had our teeth cleaned by our friend Miss Patty. No cavities for either of us and no extra visits for either of us for other reasons either.
Momma dreaming in the Honda mini van that I really want. Bug was bouncing on the trampoline behind me. He got 20 minutes of bouncing and I got 20 minutes of planning/dreaming time.
Piano waterfall at the home and garden show. Of course the best part of this picture is my little man

Bug and N enjoying lego club at the library.
I went to Boston and got to hang out with C from Scotland.
We had a good time shopping for our kids before our meetings started.
Another picture of BB on tractors
I took the boys on a walk in the snow last week. I should take a picture tonight and show you the no snow and the 60 degree F temps we have this week. So Cincinnati, if you don't like the weather, wait 24 hours and it will be different.
A picture of me from my trip to Boston. Feeling very pretty in my skirt and sweater top.
More Miss Patty.
The boys on the walk around the block. 20 minutes walking in the snow and fresh air and everyone was feeling so much better.
We had friends stop by, I watched the girls while their parents packed up grandma things and moved her into an apartment. Being in a house alone was too much for their grandma. This was 2 weeks ago.
More walking in the snow
BB roller skating. He has gotten so much better. He was being silly here and showing off that he could stay upright.
BB showing us his limbo skills
more BB skating pictures.
Boston, with the snow mounds that are higher than a bus. Boston received 8 feet of snow in about 6 weeks. The temperatures stayed below freezing, so the snow was not melting and there was no place to put the snow except in the parks/grassy areas along the roads. When I was there this week, things were looking better since the temperatures were above freezing which means snow will melt.

My boys and the ninja turtle snowman.
yes, mom I only have 7 more years until I can drive. Are you ready?
More snow in Boston
E, Bug, and C being warriors
My boys at the home and garden show- I had no idea the lights were making this pattern on Bug until I saw the picture. HE sure looks like a rabbit.
Bug at the skating party.
The kids playing the game Sorry
BB at the home and garden show pretending to be smoking a cigar. We had to have the talk about smoking being bad. I am not sure he believed me.
Skyline Chili with the girls. What a fun day with them.
BB's family birthday celebration. peach pie and the birthday hat- life is good.
Pablo in the snow- he loves the snow except for the fact that his humans wont go play in it all the time.
close up of cat dog Pablo. There is definitely something out there he is looking at.
Another tractor for BB
Where the boys started the snow ninja turtle. I made them move so I could see the snowman they were building
Bug, happy and excited.
so that's about it right now. life is moving along. BB made the varsity volleyball team and he starts practice/games 5 nights a week. Bug is starting bowling this Friday and there are 10 more weeks of school not including the boys Spring Break. Of course the boys Spring Break weeks are not the same week, so it should be interesting trying to work and make sure they are not bored to death.
Love and hugs,