So we’re far behind in showing you what we’ve been up to you so this post will be a little bit of jumping around. Last night the boys left for Boy Scout camp I left at 7 PM it was pitch black outside as you can see here but this is the group that headed out to Governor Bebb Park. The boys will be camping in a cabin the one and only time a year that they get to camp in a cabin and then they’ll go snow tubing and probably some hiking and I’ll be back home on Sunday morning.Exhausted boys is what I expect when I pick them up on Sunday
Last weekend I took the boys over to Cincinnati nature center and we went hiking just because the weather was gorgeous it was sunny it was warm I just wanted to be outside. We are seeing the waterfall we kept looking for the one trail and we couldn’t find it until the very end when we finished up on the trail we were on but I think the boys had a good time and will definitely be going back to this area.During the week I’ve had a couple of things going on two weeks ago I went with my friend Fran to see the musical lay Ms.. It was excellent and I really really enjoyed all the music and I will continue to listen to the music and I really think I should take in the boys but they were tired they wanted to stay home it’s OK with me.
We had a couple of weeks for both the boys were sick Aidan went down with the flu right after the holidays and Cal went down with bronchitis about two weeks later so this picture is showing dinner after the boys have finally recovered. Kalle has been asking for steak at every dinner that we’ve gone out for since he’s gotten here so I finally let them order all the steak he wanted since we went to the outback steakhouse I think he was pretty happy.
Back in August Aidan turned 14 and we never had a chance to have a birthday party with his friends first of all because most of his friends were in soccer and secondly because Aidan was in football. So with the end of all the sports seasons because most of his friends he did soccer turned around and did swimming we have been able to have a birthday party for him we went glow bowling he was very excited this is Aidan lifting one of his friends and just having a good time.
One of Paul’s teammates for swimming is also a scout in the Boy Scout trip and this year that scout earned his Eagle Scout rank and we were privileged enough to come to the party and celebrate with them. The boys had a good time hanging out with friends do young man’s younger brother is also on the swim team but is one of Aidan’s best friends so I know that while the boys are camping this weekend Kalle having a good time with his friends.
This is a picture of Kalle with the team who went to district championships for swimming Cal didn’t actually make it but a few of the seniors also got to swim +2 of his friends were alternates for district SoCal and out and enjoyed cheering them on and made the school’s Twitter page.

I took the boys and Aidan’s girlfriend to see the musical the lion King it was phenomenal I really really enjoy the holiday created the animals and using papa tree and just the way that they brought it all to life I think the boys enjoyed it I know that Aidan’s girlfriend it and I look forward to more times seeing her as we go out as a group.
This is a picture from our walk at the Cincinnati nature center all the little crocuses are blooming spring is just around the corner thank God I am ready for warm weather warmer weather maybe.
For my birthday which was back in January I bought myself a T-shirt I love to read Aidan hates it that I read as much as I do but I told him that book so cool so now I’m a book dragon I’m not even a bookworm I’m a book dragon and I’m happy about it.
Today Mom and Laura and I headed out to the home and Garden show this is our annual unofficial start to Spring. I was really excited about this garden creation thing I liked the purple flowers and how they were just hanging down and so I went in to ask them what it was because I really do not want to wisteria around my house. Well first of all these purple flowers are fake that really pissed me off. Then come to find out they are supposed to be wisteria. The reason I don’t want wisteria around my house is because it’s very very destructive it Hass to be on wood if it gets on the metal It can crush the middle so it’s not a good thing to have new your gutters near your downspouts and other parts of your house so now I have to go figure out what I might want for how I wanted to redo the front garden at the house.
I had a business trip out to North Carolina last week of January the week of my birthday part of the fun of that trip was seeing what kind of cool drinks I could have since I wasn’t driving since there really wasn’t much to do I figured I could have an adult beverage every night. So this beverage right here is like a cinnamon Flavored drink it was pretty good I just was expecting something different.
Swim mom is here this is from early January meets all of us moms at the swim meet.

This has been an adventure doing blogger on my phone I’m not really sure that’s up to this again I don’t like the way it puts the photos into the post. But if I post more frequently instead of waiting and trying to do two months worth of catch-up I think it would be a little bit easier because the photos would be more of the same event so we’ll see how that goes. The boys are doing good I’m doing good and spring is coming. Love and hugs to you all Deb