Thursday, June 06, 2013

06Jun2013- last day of 2nd grade

Today is the last day of school for Bug.  He is excited to be done, but sad that he will not see most of his friends over the summer.  I told him I would work on setting up play dates with him and his friends in the evenings and on the weekends.  Hopefully, this will help. 

He is a happy boy.  There will be a second post today/tonight, with pictures from the awards ceremony at school today.  I am not sure if Bug is getting any award, but I will take a few pictures of him no matter what.  This evening we will be going to the all school swim party.  It is a busy last day of school.

Love and hugs,


  1. Congratulations NENE are our super hero, our little man of steel.
    Behind every successful boy is a wonderful mother, congratulations Deb.

    Have a great weekend, hugs and kisses.

    Familia Pineda Caceres.

  2. Congratulations Bug..... you are officially a 3rd grader!!! Scary as to how quickly this school year flew by.

    Enjoy your summer!!
    Marianne & Lucas
