Today, I took a friend and her youngest son to the the Butterfly show. It was a so nice to get out and do something that I used to do before the pandemic and to do something mom loved. 

Kisha and Me. I like this picture of me, you can see how much weight I have lost in my face. Still a work in progress, but I am trying hard to loose more weight.
Kisha and G. I forgot how active 4 year olds are. This boy had a ton of questions and was always moving!
The show was butterflies of Egypt.
But of course, there were Monarchs!
I really like this photo
This is an awesome photo- I was taking a picture of the butterflies resting on the lily pads when the Blue Morpho (bright blue) flew past me. WOHOOOOO
We spent an hour at the show and had a great time. I am excited to be doing things that give me joy.
Love and hugs,
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