Today, I was supposed to attend the Kindergartner award ceremony at Bug's school. When I arrived, I saw the kindergartners on the playground, but I was a few minutes early. I went into the church to find a seat and asked some other parents if they knew where the kids were going to sit. No one knew, so I sat down, just in time for the principal to announce that all the kids were now seated so they were going to start. Only problem with this announcement was that the kindergartners were not in the church. So I headed back outside to see what was going on. Bug was busy playing, but was happy to point me to the teachers.
When I got over to the teachers, Bug's teacher was waiting. Apparently Bug forgot to bring home a paper indicating that the kindergartners don't have awards!!!!!!! But I got to see him playing with his friends. It was nice to see him out playing, relaxed at school and just having a great time.

Bug looks like such a big boy now. I guess he is not my 'nencito' any more, but he can still be my hombrecito.
This is Bug's teacher. She is awesome!!! Bug bought her flowers to take today and last night he dictated a thank you note to her to me. He said that she teaches them everything, teaches them reading. I remember a few months ago that he told me he likes her because she wears nice pants.
When bug came home, he brought a plethora of things made over the year and his report card. I have to admit, I cried as I read that he was promoted to First grade- not because it was unexpected, but because it was something that seemed so far away just 4 years ago. The items he brought home from school included a self portrait from September 2010 and May 2011, hand writing samples from each quarter of school, a book with every one's picture and name written out, a summer journal, and so much more. I think everything that came home today is a keeper. I am so thankful for the positive experience Bug had this year with his teacher. She has been a wonderful teacher and role model. Thank you so much Mrs. C for all the time, effort and dedication you have pour out on the kids this year. You are a blessing.
This year has been a huge year of growth for Bug. The recap on that topic is for tomorrow's post.
Love and hugs,
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