Monday, February 18, 2013

snow tubing

blogger messed up the order of the pictures again, but I will try to tell you the story and then highlight the pictures.  Julie and I took Bug and N to the local ski resort for some snow tubing today.  We had hoped to go on one of the days when the cub scouts received discounted tickets, but that did not work out.  Since the boys have school holiday today due to it being Presidents Day, we took the day off from our jobs to hang with our boys.  The morning temperatures was in the mid 30s- so just above freezing.  The high temperature is supposed to reach 54F degrees today, so very Spring like temperatures.  We decided to go first thing in the morning- good thing.

We got to the slopes and got our tubes and headed up the moving sidewalk.  The boys went down with us once and then they decided to go alone.  I decided to stay at the bottom to get pictures of them coming down the hill.
This is the boys at the end of their run- very happy.
Here they are heading up the slope with Ms. Julie.

The hill they will be coming down, you can see the line of people on the right side of the photo.  They are going up the moving sidewalk.

The boys and Ms Julie are somewhere in this crowd.

The boys are the black spec in the middle of the photo. Still too far away for me get their picture.

After the boys came down, Ms. Julie followed.  At the bottom of the hill, there is all this gravel to slow you down.

votes for who wants to keep on tubing.
We had 2 hours on the slopes.  By the end, the temperature was so warm that the snow was slushy and slow.  So coming down the hill, everyone stopped about mid way down, in the flat area.

Our second to the last run, waiting in line.  By this time, there were lots of people at the slopes.

Superman Bug.
I will have more pictures from the slope tomorrow after Ms Julie posts her pictures and I copy them.  She took pictures of me.

After tubing, we took the boys to lunch- at MacDonald's.  Quick, easy and on the way home.  Bug got a hold of the camera and took this picture of himself.  silly little man.

He also took this great picture of N.

As the Fresh beat Band says "it was a great day, the very best day and nothing could be better".

Love and hugs,

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