Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Spring Break Day camp with Momma

Monday, N came to spend the day with us while his mom worked.  With 2 boys in the house, I knew I needed to keep them occupied.  They had time for play dough in the morning.

Some swim time before lunch.

Then after lunch, they had a some soccer with friends from Bug's class.

I was so excited to see N dressed in Michigan colors- his mom usually does not support Michigan at all.  I must save this picture and bring it many times in the future.

the boys were pretty tired by the end of the day, which we closed out with some finger painting.  I heard from Julie that N was asleep before they made it to the highway.  N will be back on Saturday for the afternoon/evening with us while his mom attends a wedding.  I have to think of some more things for the boys to do.  Top of the list is just play time.

Love and hugs,

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