Friday, May 24, 2013

Last day of soccer for the summer and school festival

Bug's last soccer game of the season was last night.  he will take the summer off and focus on swimming and Taekwondo over the summer.  He loves soccer and is enjoying being a defender.  Last night he was the goalie and it was a rough night for him.  There were only 2 kids on his team (Bug and the other little boy) and there were 3 kids on the other team, including the little striker seen in this first photo (smaller boy).   Bug allowed 5 goals, but on a positive note, he score the only goal for his team.  In the fall, Bug will start soccer again, but it will be on Saturday mornings.  He will be moving a level and leaving his buddy K behind. 

sending the ball back the other way.  Go Bug!!

preventing a goal by the little striker for the red team.
Today begins the unofficial start to summer here in the US, it is the start of the Memorial Day weekend.  Bug's school church has a festival every Memorial Day weekend.  To support his school, we  have volunteered to work a booth at the festival the last 2 years.  Bug likes this booth.  This year the festival changed how the games are run for the kids, no money at the booths, only tickets.  This means the kids don't have to handle money.  After working tonight, I think Bug and his buddies are ready to work without parents next year.  I think Mrs. S has found her crew for her booth.

Mrs. S and Bug.  Mrs S is the teacher's aide in the kindergarten classes.  Bug loved being in kindergarten, so it is nice to work a few hours with her each year.

One of Bug's classmates who came over to work too when he saw Bug at the booth.

A friend playing at the booth- this is tic-tac-toe.  Roll the balls and get 3 in a row to win. 
Another friend helping out too

Bug showing a kindergartner how to run the game

Across the way was this game- the real life version of Angry Birds. yes, this was a magnet for Bug.

After we finished our shift, Bug headed right over to the game to play it.  It was not as easy as it looks and definitely not as easy as the game on the computer.

 After playing games for a while, Bug and I got some pizza at the festival at 9 pm.  Late night for Bug, but a good night.  We have a busy weekend, hopefully there will be lots of pictures.
Bug has 2 more weeks of school before he is out for the summer.  The countdown to the last day of school is on.
love and hugs,

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