Saturday, May 25, 2013

second day of the festival

after a busy day, Bug wanted to go back to the festival so he could ride the rides.  I told him we could go for an hour.  Needless to say, we were there much longer.  We were there for 2.5 hours riding rides, playing games and talking to friends.  It was a good evening.
Bug, excited to ride the rides.
Bug decided to ride the Pirate swing first 

then the dragon wagon (AKA small roller coaster)

then he rode it again

then off to the fun house

the flying something or other- lots of centrifugal force on this one.  Last year I was almost sick on this ride.  This year it was much better. Last year must have been due to the heat.
the view from the ride

Bug was loving it

and finally, back to dragon wagon to ride in the front.

after these rides, and the excitement of another festival goer getting in my face and trying to start a fight, I was ready for games.  Bug won some more prizes, saw friends and had some dinner.  We bought some books and then headed home.
Lessons learned from this evening- we need to go to the festival on Friday night or Sunday afternoon- it is much more laid back.  Too many people this evening and too many people who were looking for a fight.  Not my kind of fun at all.
Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. It is seen that had fun, Nene each day is bigger, hope you have a memorable summer, Taekwondo classes great, this man will be invincible. Thanks for sharing your good times, always missed and we send our love away.
    Have a wonderful week.
    Familia Pineda Caceres.
