Monday, September 02, 2013

Riding with no training wheels

Some catching up first.  Pablo and I walk out to pick up Bug every afternoon.  Pablo likes to lay in the shade in Mr. G's yard.  He even likes to eat the grass occasionally.

Coming home from school.  Now we wait for him on the side of the street, but this was the first day of school.

Pablo, so excited to be outside on a Monday (holiday) with the family.

Yesterday, Sunday, we came home from church and Bug wanted to go out and play with friends.  I was slower getting out the door, and when I came out, Bug told me to watch him.  He was riding a friend's bike with no training wheels.  Just like after 2 years of trying to get him to ride with no wheels, he was ready and he did it without me being around.
He played for a few more minutes and then asked to have his training wheels on his bike taken off.  And that was it.  There were a few 'falls', but nothing serious and no tears.
This morning, Bug wanted to go out and play some more, so off we went, camera this time.  And Bug was off and riding- mostly.  He is only comfortable in the immediate area of our street- 3 to  hours of street space.  Hopefully, he will continue to grow in confidence and expand out in his range for biking.  And maybe, he will allow me to bike with him too.

Pablo just laid in the shade and enjoyed the breeze and watching the kids play.
love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. Helo, Deb and Aidan
    Yess!!! ride with no wheels
    The feel of the wind in face
    Nothing compares to it.

    Saludos familia.
    Familia Pineda Caceres....
