The photos are going to be out of order as I had to pull some from a friend's facebook page.
On Saturday, Bug went to work on an eagle Scout project for one of the scouts in his troop. eagle Scout is the highest rank you can attain in scouts. Part of the Eagle scout award is a service project that the scout plans, fund raises for and gets done. The reason the younger scouts help is because one day they will be working on their eagle scout project and will need help too, so the younger guys help the older guys and the cycle continues through the troop. I dropped Bug off around 10 am. Throughout the day, I received pictures from the eagle scout's parent.
This is what it looked like around 2:30 in the afternoon, at the end of the work day.
I got an ice cream- Pablo got most of this, as I only wanted a small ice cream. Bug got a large Hawaiian ice.
Sunday, we celebrated Cousin Jason's birthday. Bug loves the hat.
Jason was not too excited about it at all.
the "shame" of wearing the birthday hat.
Today was Memorial Day. A day to remember those veterans who gave their lives for our freedom. we went to the same ceremony we did last year, down at Spring Grove Cemetery. There 999 Civil War veterans buried here. Memorial Day was started after the Civil war, as a day to decorate the graves of the fallen with flags and flowers.
A 21 gun salute.
Decorating the graves. This is the last part of the ceremony, we listened to one of our local congressmen speak, the Colonel of the re-enactment group spoke and there was a presentation of wreaths
Afterward, we listened to some songs from the Civil War song by a couple from the re-enactment group- I did not get pictures. I loved the music and it really told the story. I learned some history about the song "Dixie" and the "Battle Hymn of the republic" and the song "when Johnny comes marching home". It was really interesting. The end of the day, was listening to my old music teacher, who is a well known Lincoln Portrayer, teach us with Lincoln's own words about our country. His words resonate today as we see the country coming apart during this election. There is wisdom in the words from the past. Mr. Wernz, was my music teacher back in 1978, he went on to be the junior high principal, the high school principal and then the superintendent of the school district. I remember his kindness and his coaching for us to be the best we could be. I was so happy to see him today. I think that Bug was not impressed, but I hope he remembers this day as something that shows honor to those who served, are serving, and will serve to defend our freedom.
Mr. Wernz (President Lincoln) and me
Back to the scout project- all the workers having a rest on the finished area. It will be an area for the hospital workers to come outside and have lunch or to sit and reflect. It is also an area where the sick children can come out and enjoy a normal activity that they would not have at the hospital.

Earlier in the day- I think Bug is helping to level the stones, or holding them in place.
Scouting is about working hard and having fun
this is boys being silly- standing in the firepit. It could be a scout skit, how many scouts can you fit in a firepit?
While Bug and the scouts were working on this project, I was home working on the garden. I was able plant our tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and herbs. I am hoping to get potatoes planted this week and we have "volunteer" carrots and onions already coming up in the garden. I also planted some flowers. I am looking forward to the harvest this summer.
This is what the site started like.
It is going to be a busy summer.
Love and hugs to you all,
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