Pablo continues to be a silly dog- he is begging for treats here.
In late October, I did a "take and make" class at the local garden center and this was my porch decoration until last weekend.
We took a trip to Michigan. When we got there, these sunflowers were in full bloom. That weekend, the temperatures dropped below freezing, so they did not last much longer.
The hotel room.
While we were in Michigan, we visited with some of my former colleagues and Aidan fund a new friend.
On our last day in Michigan, we had lunch with my best friend at our favorite Middle Eastern resturant. This is the yumminess for lunch. We brought 6 sandwiches home with us to have for later in the week.
In November, we had lunch with my aunts and a couple cousins. It was good to be out. But it reminds me how much mom is loosing. She can't stay up with conversations, she watches without understanding. It is so hard.
Mom, Cousin Leslie, and Aunt Jan.
Leslie's mom is Joan, who is my mom's older sister (she is the oldest of 12 kids). Leslie is the same age as Laura
Aunt Jenny (with the sun across her face), Aunt Juanita , and cousin Tammy faced away form us. Tammy is Leslie's oldest sister and the oldest of the cousins).

All the fall leaves in the neighbor's yard.
I baked some oatmeal date cookies one cold weekend in November.

Sunrise one week day morning.
The Weekend of 20Nov, I got to make a new porch pot at the garden center- this one is for Christmas.

Mom took a nap- getting a shower (thanks Laura) tires her out.

Thanksgiving prep on Wednesday.
Pumpkin pie ready to go into the oven.
Apple sauce in the crockpot. This was not for Thanksgiving, but since I was peeling apples, and there were only 7 apples left in the bag, I figured I would just peel them too and get them into something that I know mom will eat.
The butter with herbs, softening so I can make herbed butter for the turket.
Cranberry apple Chutney- way too tart for me, but my brother liked it. I think next time, I will use orange juice instead of apple cider, and also use pears instead of apples.
We went to the zoo- back to a pre-pandemic traditions. We have gone around 3 pm in the past to see the animals, but we learned this year that mom can't do that any more unless she is being pushed in wheel chair. Just 2 years ago, she could walk the zoo with a few rests, now it is a rest at every bench, even with her walker.
The red pandas were out and about- so cool to see them so active as usually they are sleeping when we come to the zoo.
We ended up leaving before the zoo lights came on, but these lights were so cool in the daylight.
Thanksgiving breakfast
Mom having breakfast while we watched the parade.
Making the stuffed celery once Dave arrived. Aidan is working on the crackers for the cheese tray

Lunch on Thanksgiving. Normally, I don't put out stuff for lunch because we typically eat at 2 pm. But today, we were eating much later because Laura and Darrell were going to his family's Thanksgiving dinner and they would be over to visit with us in the afternoon. So dinner was planned for 4 pm this year.
Laura in her turkey hat
Finally, dinner!!!! The green bean mushroom skillet was YUMMMMM. I think we did pretty good this year.
The small group for Thanksgiving this year.
Uncle Dave was worn out from cooking with me today.
I think we are all caught up now.
Love and hugs,