Saturday, July 21, 2012

Another post where I catch up on all we have been doing

In the last 2 weeks, we visited with hermano for dinner at Cracker Barrel.

We went to see the movie BRAVE with our friend M

We have worked on training Luke some more- here he is working on his KONG toy that is filled with treats.

At points in between, I had some very bad migraines and ended up sick from them.  I was so sick on Thursday, that Bug stayed home from Y camp because I was too sick to drive.  This was a bad idea- having Bug and Luke home while I was sick meant, I got no real rest because I had to keep them from fighting most of the day. UGHHHHH

But today was much better, cooler weather temperatures, no migraine and fun for Bug and momma. We started with the cub scout rain gutter regatta.  The boys built their boat from sliced up pool noodles, added a straw and an index card for a sail

Then a test to see if they float.  The boats move down the gutter via straw power- the boys had to use another straw to blow them down the gutter.

The Wolves lined up and ready to go

Bug's boat tipped over in the second heat, but Bug figured out that he could blow the water behind the boat and move it along.  Bug narrowly missed winning this heat.

After the races, waiting for the older boys  to finish their heats.

Then the fire truck arrived

Bug had a great time.

The ultimate winner of the rain gutter regatta got to take a whipped cream pie and push it into the face of one of the leaders.  The winner choose Mr. B

Preparing to be hit with the whipped cream pie

straight into the face

Then Mr. B took the left over whipped cream pie and got the winner's hair.

The boys and siblings then got to have a water balloon fight.

It was all out war

almost done with the balloons

Then the fire truck prepared to hose the boys down.  At this point, the fireman is hooking up the water cannon

And Bug, bending over the edge of the water balloon tub, is hit with the water cannon.  He had no idea that the water was coming.  And yes, all of the parents, me included, were just watching and then laughing when it happened.  Bug was laughing to.

Water cannon

Rub-a-dub-dub, 10 cub scouts in a tub

We came home and had a brief rest, took Luke on a walk and then headed out to the park for a picnic with friends from my college days.
Bug played Frisbee with Mr. Todd

"I don' have the Frisbee, see"

Some more folks got into the game and suddenly 2 Frisbees were in play

It was a good time
really, it was a great day.  Fun for both of us, lots of time to talk with friends and hang out, have good food, and play.  Definitely a keeper day.

Love and hugs,

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