Today was another hot day and I decided that Bug needed some water fun, but water fun is no fun without friends. So a call to J and N to invite them over, along with their dog, Crackers and we were good to go.
I set up the sprinkler in the back yard, we sprayed the boys with sun screen and bug spray and we turned them and the dogs loose.
The dogs had a few moments of uncertainty but settled in. I think Luke was happy to have a friend to play with for a while.
The boys figured out spraying the slide was cool and then decided they were firefighters putting out fires. I think they played outside for almost 2 hours. The best part, J and I got to talk the entire time. 

The dogs, checking out things.
Silly boy and his dog
Luke trying to convince us to go in.
J and N stayed for dinner- pork roast cooked in BBQ and the end shredded, server on tortillas, corn on the cob and salad. For dessert, apple pie and ice cream, but the boys choose cookies.
The dogs played fine until the last 30 minutes of visit, then Luke decided that Crackers was deaf and started barking directly into her ears. He also need decided to play rougher with her. I was concerned, Bug was concerned, N was concerned, but J was calm. Crackers held her own and Luke semi calmed down. I am going to have to ask the trainer about the behavior from Luke.
Luke is still sleeping off the excitement of the visit, Bug was overly tired from the 2 hours in the sun and I am feeling so much better after being able to talk to a friend for almost 4 hours straight.
It was a good day. It would have been a great day if we had gotten more than sprinkles of rain in the afternoon.
Love and hugs,
Deb - We had a wonderful time. On the way home Nicholas told me he was sad because he missed Bug already. I'll be interested in what the trainer says. I think Luke was just staking his territory and maybe getting a sense of how far he can go with Crackers. I took my queues from her and she seemed to be doing fine so I was fine too. I always say this and will continue to...we always have such a good time when we're with you and your family!! Let's coordinate calendars for our next adventures at our house with you, Bug and Luke.