So the bathroom remodel comtinues- I feel like it is never going to end. The guys were here working on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and are still not done. Thursday was only 2 hours of work because of the power going off in our area in the afternoon. UGHHHHH.
By Friday, I was starting to think about pain colors since I will have to repaint half the bathroom. the first 4 color choices were these. I quickly eliminated the purple ones.
Finally, Saturday, while little man was at a scouting event, I bought 4 more colors. Of these, the one in the top left hand corner is the one he and I like the best. Today, I realized I have to paint the ceiling too, so the light blue is going on the ceiling and the lighter teal/turquoise color is going on the walls. It is going to be a very tropical looking bathroom. All of the Yellow will be covered up.

This is the shower on Friday- green board up (water proof) and the backing boards for the shower walls up.
Some mudding on Friday (to seal the seams). this is where Chris stopped on Friday. Today he is back doing more mudding- see pictures further down this post.
Saturday night, my friend had her 50th birthday party. L (who turns 50 next year), F (her birthday celebration) and me. I did not realize how I looked with my hair pulled back in a pony tail- I guess that look is out.
Sunday was the cub scout Blue and Gold banquet. With the changes to the scouting program this year, only the oldest scouts move up in rank at this ceremony.
There was lots of dancing during this song.
The different dens did a skit for the families, this is the senior weblos (Bug's den) doing their skit.
it was typical boy humor
The boys were given any awards they completed for the month. Here I missed making sure bug had everything done. he needed a few more activities (which he did, but I did not mark down) and he would have gotten an award for doing all the weblo pins.
Then, the senior weblos "crossed over/bridged" to boys scouts. The parents were called up as part of the cermony
They took off their blind folds to symbolize that now they are responsible for moving themselves forward in boy scouts.
They recited the boy scout oath and law
The cub scout epaulets were removed, and the boy scout ones put on. These showed that they are no longer cub scouts but are now Boy scouts.
All the boys are moving up to the same boy scout troop. It is not usual that this happens in our pack, the boys usually scatter to many troops. I am so grateful these boys will continue on in scouts together. They are good friends and really push each other to be the best they can be.
today, Chris is back. He is working on mudding the seams of the shower area again. he has managed to cover up a few of the color choices which means it will be easier to paint.
Well, that is all for today.
Love and hugs,
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