Thursday, December 01, 2016

into the Woods

the leaves are in their final blaze of color here.  This is the Japanese Maple by my back patio.  it blocks the neighbor's pool from our view and blocks their view of the patio.  I need to put one on the other side so the kids next door don't sit and stare at us while we eat dinner on the patio.  Something for the Spring list

This is the full view- you can see the white of the pool through the tree now just because the leaves are coming off.

Tuesday I was so sick of being inside that I took the boys to the park.  It rained on Monday, or we would have gone then.  I am getting frustrated by them just sitting around and being on their phone or IPad.  I know I set a bad example, so I really can not complain, but I am.  I don't recall sitting around as much as they are doing when I was their age.  I get that it is more difficult for Falco- he does not have friends close to our house and it is getting close to the end of his time here. So I give them both grace and I don't say anything to them and I will eventually get over it and move on.  I think I am just in a funk right now, so I am looking for something to complain about.
The park still has a fair amount of color, just from the leaves on the ground the ground covering plants being exposed. 

Rocket was pretending he was a dog and yelling "SQUIRREL" every time he saw one and then chasing after it.  He was hoping Pablo would react too, but Pablo was too busy smelling the smells.  Pablo did finally see a squirrel at the end of the walk and he was going crazy.
Rocket did not want his picture taken, so I missed some fun shots because I had to have my camera hidden.  Falco tried to get video of him doing something, but could not get his phone out fast enough.

Photo bombed by the boys.

Photo bombing Rocket. this is after he decided that the camera was fine and he was playing around.

I have some other photos but I am not allowed to post them per Falco. Eventually they might appear.
yesterday during Rocket's basketball practice, I was reading a book and it listed the 5 types of friends every woman should have.  I don't think I have any friends like this.  either I am doing something wrong or the book is wrong.  I am going with the book is wrong.

It is busy week for us- this going, going, going is killing me.  Hopefully next week will be better.  Only 10 more working/school days until Christmas vacation- I think we can make it.
Love and hugs,

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