Bug and I have been busy on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. In addition to our usual stuff (playing, housework, meals), we have been participating in VBS at la Vina on Tuesdays and Bug has had swimming on Wednesday.
Due to my work schedule, we have unfortunately gotten in the habit of eating out. So dinner last night was at McDs.
Rather than playing on the play structure, Bug decided he was Spiderman and began climbing up the outside of the structure. he actually made it to the top of this pole (the corner you see just below the green part). He was having a great time.
At VBS, we help with setup before the kids arrive. Bug uses this display to pretend to change into a superhero. Usually it is Iron Man, But per the picture below, apparently he was the Hulk this time.

Ms D and Bug's buddy J. J's mom organizes the food, so he and his little brother are at VBS early too. The boys wear each other out in no time.
We have game time first as a group - here is about half the group passing a ball with just their feet.

Then we have snack. I know for many of the kids, this is the best meal of the week- they always get fresh fruit, some protein, and some carbs. You can see J's momma bring around more lemonade to the kids.
Again, the kids seem to separate themselves by boys and girls automatically, and they are only 5!!!!!!

Ms. S teaching the bible story.
Wednesday nights, Bug has been taking swimming lessons with Ms. S. She is very nice. Bug has made great progress with her. He will be going back to group lessons in the Fall/Winter, but he definitely needed the one on one time with a teacher. 

floating on his back to do the back stroke
He loves to swim, he loves his goggles, he just does not like lessons alone in the pool.
So that is the week so far. Temperatures are awful here. The heat index was 110 today- very bad to be outside. Not sure what we will be doing tomorrow- but we will definitely be inside.
Love and hugs,
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