Monday, July 18, 2011

What have we been up to?

I can not and will not go into everything that caused me to take the blogging break, but I think we are at a better place now.  So hopefully, I will be blogging at least once a week- depends on the weather, because pictures of us sitting inside watching movies certainly would get boring.

Bug has spent most of the summer at YMCA day camps.  I was concerned about the camps just because Bug has a hard time with change- but shock of all shocks- he is loving it.  I scheduled a week off for him 4 weeks into camp and he was not happy.
At camp, they swim in the morning and then play games/have activities in the afternoon.  On Wednesday's they have field trips.  So far, I know that Bug seldom goes into the pool, it is the outdoor pool and he hates the cold water.  but he plays in the splash water park.  I will try to get a picture of it this week.  He has lunch at camp- at least once a week, they have tuna salad or chicken salad sandwiches.  Neither of which, Bug will eat.  He has started eating the bread from the sandwiches, but I wish I knew which days they were serving these sandwiches because I would pack him a lunch on these days.  He comes home starving on these days. And a starving Bug is grumpy Bug.
The games in the afternoon are group games- typically out on the large field, although with the 100 degree temps this week, they will spend most of the afternoon indoors. 
Bug comes home tired and grumpy every day.  Which is good, because he will usually fall asleep quickly, but on the other hand, it means he has limited self control and is prone to temper tantrums/crying fits, just because he is too tired. 

On the schooling front, we have continued to work on reading and math this summer and he is doing great.  we have 3 workbooks we are using.  As we have 5 weeks until school starts again, we need to be more consistent about working in the workbooks.  But even working a few days a week, I am seeing lots of retention of facts/skills and growth of new skills.

On a sports front- Bug is taking swimming lessons this summer and he is really not happy about being in lessons by himself.  But his swimming is improving.  He will start soccer at the end of August again, but I may also put him in group swim lessons in the Fall.  I am also mulling over drum lessons and some Spanish language classes- even if it is computer programs for Spanish.  we really need to get started on Spanish lessons.  Bug is very interested in Spanish right now, as I speak to the kids and parents at VBS on Tuesday nights, he is asking me what I am saying and repeating back the phrases.  he definitely wants to know more and learn more.  I just wish his school started language lessons before 3rd grade.

Work continues for me.  It is a busy summer and shaping up to be a busy Fall which will lead into a busy next year.  I did not plan correctly for my time off this year, so we have a few days here and there.  I am planning a few days off before Bug starts school again and then I am saving days for the Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays.  I may get to take a few days off at Christmas and rather than not have them, I am saving them.  Worst case scenario is that I have to roll over vacation days to next year. 

Bug is becoming so much more independent- he is willing to do things by himself and try new things.  Such a change from just a year ago.  he is definitely becoming very confident in his abilities. 

The new things for this school year will be:
more chores at home-
more independence in homework

And maybe, just maybe (if I am lucky), sleeping in his own bed.  I am not holding my breath on getting back my bed, but it would be so nice.  Bug has gone so far as to tell me, I can take down his bed in his room so he has room for more toys!!!!!!!  Little does he know that the big toy clean out is coming in October/November and all his old toys are going to charity.  He can keep the toys he plays with, but it is time to give away the toys he has outgrown or no longer plays with.  There are lots of kids who would love his toys.

He is growing like a weed.  He was measured yesterday and he grew another .5-.75 inches.  I also had him try on his school pants and shorts- the shorts will make it thru this fall, the pants are way too small.  I have to replace all his pants, get shorts for next Spring and buy all new short sleeve shirts for him to start school.

So that is the update for now.  We are on the count down to Bug's 6th birthday.  He is into Transformers this year, so he is having a transformer themed birthday.  Bumblebee is his favorite.  He loves Bumblebee so much that when we pass the Chevrolet dealership, Bug can pick out the camaro on the lot.  He as informed me that he is going to let the salesmen know that he will be in to buy a camaro as soon as he is old enough to buy a car.  I guess the motorcycle he wanted 2 years is a thing of the past.

That's it for now.  Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are back Debs, I really missed your posts. Great to hear all is well in the Casa Cole and if you or Bug need Spanish classes then you only need to ask. We are all well here in bonnie Scotland and miss you as always. Crashed my car into a Bank the other day, duhh how stupid can I get cause the bank won the battle. Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer and also hope that one day way can share some beans or sweetcorn from your garden. Here, our door is open to you and yours at any point although I would not recommend a visit to Scotland in mid-winter. Take care my dear friend, un abrazo fuerte a mi amigo Bug y que Dios esté con usted y su querida familia. Be good, stay just the way you are and good things will happen to you and yours. God bless.
