We made a fast run to another city to meet up with a friend who was giving us a trampoline. We drove 6 hours one way, arriving at the hotel 10 minutes before the pool closed. So this morning, we got up and I took Bug down to the pool. He showed me how much he learned at Y camp. He can now swim across the pool without stopping. He is on his way to the next level in the swim bands at the Y.

Showing Mam and I how he floats on his back
floating on his stomach
After swimming, Bug had some educational video game playing while I showered and Mam and I packed up the hotel room.
meeting with T who drove 12 hours one way to bring the trampoline. She was also visiting a cousin in the city, so it worked out very nicely for all of us.
She and I work together, but have never met.
You can see parts of the trampoline behind a sleeping Bug. I guess the swimming first thing in the morning wore him out. He slept for 2 hours on our trip home.
We got home, unloaded the van (rented) and put all the trampoline pieces in the backyard. Now to find 2 friends to help me put the trampoline up. Bug wanted to bounce on it tonight. I guess I have a plan for this week.
Love and hugs,
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