Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The first day of second grade

Today is Bug's first day of school.  I thought you might want to see the last 2 years' first day pictures first though.
Kindergarten- the adventure begins

First Grade

And finally- this year- second grade

He wanted a picture with Pablo on the first day

Hanging at the bus stop.

We waited 20 minutes for Bug's bus, it never came.  So I drove Bug to school this morning.  As I was leaving the school parking lot, his bus pulled on the lot- 28 minutes after Bug should have been picked up.  Another bus driver told me they were running 20 minutes late. 

Bug comes home around 3:15  today, I can't wait to hear about his first day of school.

love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. I cannot get over how much he has grown just in the past 2 years.... these pictures really tell it all.

    Hope he had an extra special "first" day!! Looking forward to hearing all about it!

    Mariane & Lucas
