Sunday, October 28, 2012


Bug and I had a restful morning.  I did some work before my trip to NC on Sunday, and Bug watched TV.  Then we ran down to the car wash to vacuum out the trunk of the car.  Bug decided he wants to sit in the trunk of the car after it was vacuumed out.  We had to vacuum it because I bought a straw bale to use to cover the strawberry bed in our yard.  There was straw everywhere in the trunk.

This evening, we headed out to Spook-a-ree.  Bug was Batman.  This is a hand made costume that Terry loaned to us.  I love it. This is the last year Bug will be able to wear this, so I will be packing up the costumes (she actually sent 3 costumes) back to her.

N and J went with us.  N was Spiderman.  We had the superhero theme for tonight.

2 moms, 2 boys and lots of fun!

Happy boys on the hay ride

Trick or treating at the fort

"epic battle" in the lines while we waited to play games

N as the pumpkin, Bug as the Mummy- too cute

My little Mummy

growling at the mommas

Big boy was at cub world too. 
We had a great time at Spook-a-ree (the cub scout Halloween event).  There were so many things to do and the boys were happy as could be just hanging out.  The ride home was a bit of rough spot since the boys were so tired.  But this is definitely something we will do again.  N had a great time seeing what cub scouts do.  J and I made plans to get together more often.  We will see them next weekend for N's birthday celebration.  But we also are planning a movie day, roller skating, the zoo and some more fun over the next few months.  The boys love being together and J and I enjoy the momma time.

Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. At least you knew you were safe with two super heroes to protect you! Looks like you had a great time!
