Friday night, Bug was in the school Christmas Pageant (The Animals Christmas). Bug played on the of the cardinals. His best line was when the animals wake up and he has to scream "EEEK", only Bug said it as just "eeeek", just calm and cool- no inflection, no emotion, actually typical bug style. The whole audience laughed. Bug is now know as eeek-man.
Singing at the beginning, bug is over on the right side in the red hat and sweatshirt.

Bug and the other animals coming on stage to do their parts.

Sleeping animals- when the wake up, that is when bug says his line.

saying EEK.
almost done.
Singing "we wish you a Merry Christmas"
At the Cub Scout party last night, Bug received his awards for selling popcorn, he choose this remote controlled car.
Pablo does not like this new toy at all
Barking at the toy while Bug and I laughed.
This afternoon, Bug had his second basketball game. The boys lost 32-3. It was a rough game, but to be expected when the boys had no practice this week (Tuesdays was cancelled due to snow). This week, we will finally have practice again and in a gym the team has the whole court to practice on.
the basketball pictures are courtesy of one of Bug's classmates who sat beside and took pictures while I scored the game for the team. She did a great job.
Bug and I have 5 days of school/work and then we are off for Christmas!!!!
Love and hugs,