Friday, December 06, 2013

St. Nick's Day and Snowmageddon

6:30 pm update- I just measured the snow on the back porch, 5.5 inches!  The snow is still coming down fast and heavy.  I think we are definitely going to hit 8 inches of snow at this rate.
Today is St. Nicholas Day, which means some treats this morning.  Bug knows that Santa doesn't exist and he has moved on to St. Nick, but he was still asking how St. Nick would get in the house.  He definitely thinks Mr. Silly comes alive- I had to nibble on a cracker today to keep the spirit alive.
Mr. Silly was trying to take some of the candy canes- bug was not having it.

Bug received 2 videos and some candy

Momma received some candy too.
the gifts from St. Nick

Bug did not have to go to school today- ice and snow storm coming thru today.  Instead of sleeping in, he got up at 6:30 am after I got up.  While I worked this morning, he laid on the couch and watched TV.
On to the snow or Snowmageddon (snow and Armageddon combined- per the TV forecasters)

This is the ice coming down this morning- it looks like snow, but it is ice.  We are supposed to get .25 inches (.63 cm) of ice and 3-8 inches (7.5-20 cm) of snow.  That was the forecast last night, but as of 4 pm, our area of the city is supposed to 5-8 inches of snow. 

Bug and I dressed for the weather, off to shovel snow at 2:30 this afternoon.

and of course, Pablo had to go outside and race around in the snow. Silly puppy

Bug, cleaning off the porch.  As you can see, the snow was coming down very quickly and heavily

I think we had about 1.5 inches at this point, with the ice under it.

it took 30 minutes to clean off the driveway and when I was done, this is what it looked like in less than 5 minutes.  I took the boy and the dog to the backyard to play for the rest of the time.

my cutie

Bug has Pablo's frozen toy and Pablo is yelling (barking) at Bug to throw it.

making a snow Angel

My angel

Pablo is trying to pick up his frozen toy

happy snow dog

definitely having a good time.  I would throw Pablo's toy and Bug would try to get it before Pablo got to it.  It was a snow fight.

I love this picture- my handsome young man

Playing in the snow and having a great time

Checking the driveway, you almost can't tell I shoveled.  This is only an hour after I shoveled the driveway.

after shoveling and playing in the snow for 90 minutes, we definitely needed some hot chocolate to warm us up.

Mr. Silly was eyeing my hot chocolate.

Bug was sucking his down.  he asked for a small cup of hot chocolate.
We have a number of hours to go with the snow, already Bug's first basketball game has been cancelled tonight.  He has another game at 9 on Saturday morning, as of right now, it has not been cancelled.  I will be watching the weather tonight and probably getting up very early tomorrow to shovel the driveway again.
Love and hugs,

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