Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A busy week

Little man continued basketball shooting camp Monday- Wednesday last week. Tuesday - Friday he also had a sports Fundamentals camp in the morning.  We were constantly on the go. 
I have a friend, SB, who blogs her schedule on a regular basis and I read and think "I would go crazy if that was my regular schedule" but she thrives on it which goes to show everyone is different.  Well last week I thought for sure I was living her life.  This was my schedule last week
5:30 am - wake up and start work (the benefit of working from home)
8 am - get the little man up, get him dressed and fed
8:30- leave the house to drop him off at sports camp, while listening to a work meeting
9 am- home from dropping him off, back to work at my desk
1:45 pm- go pick up little man
2:15- back home and get him started on his home activities (reading, doing a chore, practicing piano, etc)
4 pm - work ends for me
4:15 pm (Tuesday) - Piano lesson for little man, I read in the car
4:45- piano lesson ends, back home to make dinner
6 pm - finish dinner, leave for basketball shoot camp
8:30- camp is over, come home, get showered and ready for bed
9:00-9:30- bed time for him
I was so excited for shoot camp to be over on Wednesday night, just so we had some time in the evening for him to play or just watch TV.  It was a hot and humid week last week, so he would come home exhausted after sports camp.
We have a rest week this week- nothing until Thursday when basketball summer league starts (only 6 days of games).  Then the week of the 20th, he will be at basketball camp all day- camp from 9-1:15 and then basketball league from 1:40-4:30 pm.  I expect he will be very tired next week.

Practicing his shooting

One night, the ice cream truck came through the neighborhood.  We both got an ice cream. 

Saturday, little man worked on an Eagle Scout project for 3 hours.  I worked on cleaning out my closet.  this is one side.  I can't find anything.  I am a pack rat.  I am trying to figure out why I have become like this, I used to be quite organized. 

While cleaning, I found this "all about me" from 1st grade.  I knew it had to be thrown away so I took a bunch of picture of it so I can put them in his memory book.

this is what the closet looked like after about an hour of work- at least the one side.

this is the other side, which I started on immediately

I found the poster board from the baby shower right after I visited for the first time.  Look at that cutie little baby.  I could not throw this away.

the timeline I had on the poster.  Look at the last line- HAHAHAHAHA, clearly I need to write a post script that it was June 2007 before he came home. 

this is closet after I cleaned- I know it looks like a mess still but it is not.  I feel much better after cleaning this.  2 garbage bags of trash, 6 bags to donate and things consolidated (like all wrapping paper downstairs with all the gift bags).   While cleaning, I culled my closet too.  I have clothes going back 10 years and they look it.  So out with them.  Sunday I was able to buy a few more summer clothes as that is what I did not have.
Little Man came home exhausted from working - they having a car wash to raise money for the new landscaping they were putting in.  I went up to pick him up and got my car washed.  Best car wash team in the city.


Sunday, Bug went back to help for 2 hours putting in the new landscaping. He volunteered 5 hours over the weekend and was pretty worn out on Sunday.  Of course he refused to rest/nap on Sunday, so his behavior got worse and worse as the day went on. 
One benefit of sports camp and the eagle projects he is helping on, he is getting stronger.  Yesterday we mowed the lawn and he had no trouble with the lawn mower.  He and almost finished at the same time!!!  I love it.
Love and hugs,

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