It has been a busy back to school week/weeks. As we all settle into our routines, we are struggling to get our balance. Falco has joined cross country (XC) at school and that puts some wrinkles in the afternoon/evening activities. He gets done with practice around 5 pm, which is sometimes after Rocket needs to be eating in order to get to his practices on time. It will work out- we will get it all straight
I have to pull the pictures from Facebook/digital camera of the football game/deluge we attended over the weekend. To say it was an adventure is an understatement.
Monday night, Falco spoke to the Weblos and senior Weblos. One of the criteria they have is to speak to a scout from another country (how most scouts can do this is beyond me). Falco sent me some pictures that I printed for him to make a poster and we all headed over to listen to him speak to the boys.
Explaining things. Yep- this entire body language is something I see regularly. It is usually when he is running out of words and I need to pay attention to help with some additional wording or ask some questions so he can come at the response from a different angle.
the serious picture- this one will be at the boys blue and gold banquet at the end of the year.
Before the meeting, this was the picture of Dancer. She had early release at her school on Monday and Tuesday. She got home at 2- about an hour early and this is what I found when I come out to unlock the door for Rocket. She was out cold. I felt bad that I had to wake her up, but I had some moms coming over at 5:30 for a PTO meeting before we all headed to see Falco speak. She was very soundly asleep.
Tuesday, it was soccer practice for Rocket. Only Pablo and I went to the practice. Pablo was enjoying the long grass- he laid in it to get cooled off and to "hunt" some small rodents. He did not catch any rodents, but he scared them and was trying to find them as he heard them moving through the grass.
Last night, we had a Spanish dinner picked by dancer and prepared by everyone.
Last week, we had an Austrian dinner (plaschicken), which is a crepe type pancake with fruit filling or nutella. It was great.
I am liking these international dinners where we all help cook and we all choose the food so everyone has something they like for dinner.
Falco was working on shrimp for "Gambas al ajillo". Rocket tried one shrimp and he liked it, but then decided he did not like it. I think I need to put shrimp into our budget every once in a while so he gets used to it. He said it tasted like chicken, which is typical in the US.

In terms of English dishes/names, these are Bread with tomatoes, Potato omelet and Shrimp in garlic sauce. Rocket was helping too, I just missed getting a picture of him.
this is a typical scene at my house- the teens staring down at their phones- texting friends. I am this close to taking phones away during meals. Both Falco and Dancer bring their phones to the table and breakfast and start texting, both have been told to put the phones away. At dinner, they are pretty good, especially since they are usually focused on what music to play and which songs to listen to next. They are quite funny at times starting and stopping songs as they "argue" over the merits of the music. Back to the phones- definitely something that is starting to annoy me, of course my nephew and brother do the same thing when they are over for dinner, so it is nothing new to me.
this is dinner last night.
today is 'Join scouting" day in the US. Rocket got to wear his uniform to school. I have to go work at sign up this evening. I love my scouts.
All in all- if I could figure out how to eat dinner in 15 minutes on some nights so we could all eat together, it would be helpful. I am mindful of the fact that eating together as a family is one of the best things I can do for my kids. it just seems so rushed.
Some funny things that have happened so far:
1. Dancer will start talking about things from Spain- like food to try and Falco will jump in talking about making the dish, etc. and she will just look at him like he has grown 2 heads. Then she will say "how does an Austrian know about Spanish food?" She is completely amazed that he knows her favorite foods.
2. the music and laughter- they all like to listen to music and it is not uncommon that I find them all in one room, dancing, listening to music and laughing about things they are talking about- this includes all 3 of them. I need to get some pictures of it, it is such an awesome thing.
3. Falco knows how to cook everything- he is truly a chef. If he changes his mind about staying for the entire school year, I am going to find some cooking classes for him so he can learn some new dishes.
I think that is all for today.
Love and hugs,
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