Bug and I loaded up the car on Friday night and headed to Michigan to visit friends. The drive to Michigan is fairly boring- flat farm land. This time, though, it was a sad drive. We drove past farm after farm flooded from all the rain this Spring. The fields should be filled with corn by now, but instead the fields are standing lakes. The only growing is weeds. It broke my heart. Food prices are going to awful this year due to all this rain and the fact hat farmers have not been able to get into the fields. But enough of the sad stuff. Bug slept for an hour on the trip and then proceeded to ask me on a regular basis if "we were there yet". This stemming from the fact that he refused to pack crayons and color books and he refused to play his leapster game system that I insisted he pack. He definitely learned his lesson, because on the way home, he happily played his leapster for 2 hours.
We got to Michigan late and sleep was elusive, but the morning arrived and Bug was happy to make muffins with Little Miss Busy.
And they played pirates- Bug was in heaven- the house had 4 play swords and he pretty much claimed them all the time he was there
Another E.Lmo was sacrificed. I am not sure why Bug feels the need to beat on E.Lmo, but it is funny.
Princess Quiet happily showed off her reading skills by reading to Bug. yes, he lived in the pirate hat all weekend.
E and I took the kids plant shopping. I thought it would be great to take a picture of all 3 kids- it was a cute picture, until Bug decided he was not participating.
And, once home, Bug discovered he could in fact ride a scooter!!! I thought this would be a great present for him for his birthday, but my sister has one to give him, so he should have his own scooter this week. At home, he will be using a helmet.
Measuring up at the playground. The mulch is too deep- Bug is not 4 feet tall yet- but he is getting closer.
Lots of fun and excitement.
Back at the house, dish washing is a serious time for Little Miss Busy. She loves to rinse the dishes. C is the guru of dish washing because it takes 4 times as long to wash dishes with a 2 year old- probably the reason I never did this with Bug. But after this weekend, both Bug and I are inspired to do more together in cleaning the house. It might take us 2x as long, but at least I will not carry the burden of cleaning most of the house alone.
Our drive home was uneventful. 2 days in Michigan was refreshing- a good chance to get away from our routine and recharge ourselves.
We arrived home Sunday night and today, we had Jas' birthday. Bug and Pap had a good time coloring together.
Bug, the bear, Jas and Auntie Lulu. Bug has suddenly taken to having this bear with him all the time. 

blowing out the trick candles. I thought it would be fun to use them- I will not be doing that again. Way too much smoke!!!!!!
Bug has Tuesday off too, so we have a 5 day weekend. Bug is looking forward to another momma day tomorrow and I am looking forward to another day to sleep in.
Love and hugs,