Some pictures from Friday. Little M's mom took these, Bug is racing to 3rd base, but to me, he looks like he is dancing on the field. I love it.
Preparing to bat.
We saw Lulu and her family yesterday, Bug was happy to lay on the floor with the dogs. Especially Ginger.
Today, we headed over to the farm to celebrate Mother's day with the vaca family. We missed last year with them, so it was nice to get back to the tradition we have had since the boys came home. Bug and Hermano took huge bites right before I took this picture. Both boys are growing. It is amazing to see the changes in just one month.
I baked an apple pie for vaca daddy. I put 3 hearts on the pie- 1 for the boys birth mothers, 1 for Mireya and 1 for Vaca momma and I. 3 mommas whose love has shaped the boys, held the boys and has given them wings to grow into the awesome young men they are becoming.
Hermano was enjoying the cookies.
Bug was happy to be running around
and riding little ATVs.
and climbing gravel hills
Hermano fell down right before we headed over to feed the cows at the other farm site. He was pretty upset. Bug was having nothing to do with the tractors. 

other than looking inside. He did not want a ride (I did), he would not let me have a ride, so I did not get a ride. Instead I got the shock of my life while vaca daddy was giving Hermano a tractor ride (Hermano felt much better after his ride with his daddy).
My shock came as Vaca momma, Bug and I walked over to the barn to feed the cows. Due to the rain we have had, the regular fencing was too easy for the cows to knock down. 8 cows have been out on the road. Legal the police can come and shoot any cow on the road, luckily the police near hermano's house know the cows and call vaca daddy when the cows get out. But to prevent them from getting to the fence, daddy had to string a "hot wire" - a wire with electricity running through it - around the area the cows were in. We got vaca momma and Bug over the wire without issue (daddy and hermano were taking a tractor ride), and then it was my turn. I got one leg over the wire and had my had on vaca momma and the metal gate, and then I wobbled into the wire. Oh my goodness, it was shocking- literally and figuratively. Vaca momma says I should expect black bruising on my leg and my hand. It probably would not have been so bad if I had not been touching the metal gate. Bug told me I scream like a boy (too funny).
Vaca dad arrived after I was in the barn, feeding cows. yes, I like this stuff, but I only feed the cows every few months, so it has not lost it's allure. Hermano decided his arm was well enough to climb up the ladder to the loft.
The cows enjoying a treat. They were not supposed to get the gluten pellets, they were supposed to get only hay- which is why we needed the tractor.
Daddy and Hermano taking the hay bale over to the area where the hay is fed to the cows.
after feeding the cows, we went to see the combine. WHOLEY MOLEY, it is HUGE!!!!!! I had no idea.
Bug had a good time checking it out.
I even climbed up
We also saw that house across the street from Hermano is up for sale- hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Love and hugs,
Oooo Deb! I'm glad you're all right. That would be scary.