I'll start with some pictures of the gardens right now- please ignore the overgrown grass surrounding the garden beds. This is the radish and carrots bed. The radishes are going gang busters again, the carrots, (lower left corner) are wimping out again.
The lettuce and snap peas are doing great, so great in fact, I better start eating the lettuce before it all bolts .
The grass is just a jungle this week. We have had another week of rain. There was a day I should have cut grass, but I choose to have fun with Bug. Which meant I went 2 weeks without cutting grass. That is not good when it rains all the time. I started cutting grass on Thursday and ran out of gas. The pile of leaves in the upper left side, that is a garden bed, you can not even see the edges!!!! The grass I managed to cut yesterday now looks like a hay field. I finished off the grass this evening. glad that is done.
This is what the mowed portion look liked today.
Bug had T ball tonight. usually I would be helping, but I was pretty sick this week (more on that later). So I sat on the sidelines tonight and had a great time cheering the boys on and taking pictures.

Little M smashing the ball. I had to take photos thru the fence, so try to ignore the borders. The regular coach was not at the game, so another parent, Wes, stepped up. the boys had a great time with him as the coach.
Bug, giving it all he's got.
our boys in the field
Bug was supposed to be playing second base, but he moved up at one point while chasing a ball and never went back to second base.
checking his hat- ever so important while on the field
This was the best night of baseball - I think the coach should stay home or at work more often
I spent the week sick. At first I thought I just had a sinus infection- because of rain, rain and more rain every single day. But then my eye started hurting and by Monday night, it was oozing gunk.
luckily I had some medicine in the house that I could use Monday night, after a call to the doctor. I went to see him on Tuesday and he told me I was not going back to work until Thursday. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday sleeping. Thursday I went back to work and OMG, it was hard. staring at a computer screen when you have pink eye (conjunctivitis) is not good. I was exhausted by 10 am. Today I did much better, but I had to take breaks every 2 hours to let my eye rest- something about a flickering computer screen really was hard. I am still recovering and I still am battling the sinus infection- this has certainly been a bad Spring for me.
We had a total of 2 days of sun (Thursday evening to tomorrow afternoon) and then we are going back to rain for another 5 days.
In other news- Bug officially has 8 more days of school left. The count down is on for his first summer break.
I am off to finish laundry and rest. Have a wonderful weekend,
love and hugs,
8 more days? Yay for summer vacation! And yay for Spring being over soon so you can feel better! This really has been a bad season. :(