It is Halloween and Bug has been excited beyond measure for the last few days. The first grade at his school went to the nursing home to trick or treat before coming back to school for the annual parade. The kids in grades K-4 parade around the parking lot while the kids from grades 5-8 cheer them on. Parents and Grandparents are invited to come watch the parade. Here is Bug with his class getting off the bus right as the parade starts.
Making the first circuit of the parking lot.
He and 4 other boys were Bumblebee the transformer and there were 2 other boys who were Optimus Prime. I think transformers is pretty popular with the 1st grade crowd.

Bug and his buddy
At home, all ready to head out for the neighborhood trick or treating. Masks are not allowed at school.
with Venom (little M) and Princess Tianna (D)
The usual suspects- Cleopatra (big M), Hannah Montana (little E), venom (little M) and Bumblebee (Bug)
Little M decided to walk with bug M's dad. It is always nice to have police officer with you when trick or treating.
Bug getting some candy.
One of our pumpkins at home.
After trick or treating was done for us. One tired Bug who was determined to eat lots of candy- he only got 2 pieces. He does have the meanest momma on the block. There was about 15 minutes left in trick or treating. Bug walked 1.5 hours of the 2 hour event. He did a great job and he got lots of candy.
Coming up to our house- Pap on the swing, Mam handing out candy. I about blinded them by taking this picture.
Our other pumpkin. So that is the holiday- on to Thanksgiving and then Christmas. We are supposed to have nice weather this week, so I think I am going to hang my outdoor Christmas lights while the weather is still warm enough for me not to freeze my fingers off while I am putting the lights up.
Hope you had a great Halloween. 
Love and hugs,