Another week down. Bug earned the right to be out of uniform all week due to how much money he raised for the school walkathon and the fact that I turned all the money in on time. he choose the 'blend in" look of camo one day. He likes his camo, which he still calls "Koki pants" after the Japanese exchange student my sister and her family hosted back in 2007/2008.

The weather had gotten cooler and I have attempted 2 fires in our fire pit. Apparently I need my sister over here for some fire starting lessons because this is the extent of the flames. I am going to try again tomorrow and we might cook some smores.
The Monarch butterflies stopped in our yard this week. Bug had a great time looking at them while I cut the grass.
A, M and Bug getting ready
Both boys wanted cotton candy as a treat (they only got one treat) and the candy came with these "flounder" hats.
trying to sneak into the picture
In addition to the boys, our other neighbors joined us for the show. Big E, R, S and Little E. I think everyone enjoyed the show.
I had to get into the hat wearing fun
there were 4 mini shows- lion king, the little mermaid, lilo and stitch and Peter Pan. I felt so sad when I saw Tinkerbell. She is my niece's nickname. I do miss my niece. I did the right thing for Bug and I by cutting her off, but I still miss her. I love her dearly and wish things could be different.

Peter in full jump
Hook and Smeed
Bug and M decided these were their favorite. I think it was the whole pirate and sword thing that made the case for these 2 being tops of the show
Ont he way home, the boys showed no signs of calming down. So A and I gave them a 'race', who could be asleep fastest. Bug was out in about 5-10 minutes, M was not far behind. silence on the way home- a glorious thing.
We are going to celebrate another friend's birthday tomorrow- oh the excitement.Love and hugs,
Looks like you had a great time. I really want to see Disney on Ice but it's too far for me to drive alone and still have the energy to rangle Tami. And for Tinkerbell, she knows what she needs to change to be back in your graces. Very sad, I agree, but sad for her because she chooses to miss out.