Good bye old couch. You lasted 12 years, thru 3 moves, 2 cats and 1 little Man. You were a good couch, but it is time to say good bye to you for good.
Empty living room- it looks huge!!!
With the coffee table and loveseat added back in. Ignore the piles- we are in process of decluttering and we have some piles of things that need to be organized.

Now as Bug heads off to sleep, the couch is definitely a wonderful thing. it sits higher, is much firmer. I think we are going to like this couch a lot.
Bug has his walk-a-thon tomorrow. His school does this as a fund raiser. As a kindergartner, he only walked about 2 hours or 3 miles. As a first grader, he will walk for 5 hours and he can walk at his own pace. I will be there in the afternoon to stamp the kids mile cards. I am looking forward to this.
Love and hugs,
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