Saturday morning, we woke up to FROST!!!!!!!
I am not ready for cold weather at all
We had the first game of the day at soccer, the grass was soaking wet thanks to the frost. Thankfully, the field is in the sun, so it was warmer. But the parents sat in heavy winter coats. This is Bug's preferred place to be on the field, away from the gaggle of kids surrounding the ball.

It was our last game, so the kids received medals from the Y and I gave them each a thank you card and small gift bag. This is bug walking away from me after getting his medal and bag.

and a family portrait after the game. As you can tell, I did a bit of running up and down the field as the coach today.
Bug is a nut some days, My little cutie.
After some rest time at home and a bath, we headed off to the farm. Bug fell asleep in 15 minutes. Yes!!!!!!!
After everyone got to the farm, we took the boys on a walk in the woods. We had to stop by the soybean fields that hermano's family plants and Bug found some soybeans.
The "come on hermano, you can smile" or the "hurry and smile hermano, then they will leave us alone" picture.
The boys and their protector having dinner. For the first time, we had the boys in one room and the adults in the dinning room for dinner. It was awesome
So close to having all the boys looking at the camera. getting the boys to all look at the camera and smile is like herding cats- nearly impossible.
see- this is picture 10 on my camera and they are all loosing interest quickly.
Today after church, Bug had a cub scout thing. We ended up at the wrong end of the park waiting for everyone to arrive. While we waited, Bug showed me his new skills.

I even did some climbing on the equipment.
We found everyone. Bug worked on 2 belt loops- biking and kickball. I am hoping the biking one helps him see that he is ready to take off his training wheels. He really is ready, he just does not want to be the first to do it of the kids in the neighborhood. Maybe, before winter sets in, I can get the training wheels off??
I had no idea that there is a real game of kickball- rules and all. Bug loved it, it is like baseball, but with a larger balls.
Running to first base
here he is the 3rd baseman. He spent most of the time dancing or drawing in the sand. I did not get lots of photos, as I was working with the boys who wanted to earn their photography belt loop.

Throwing the ball to the pitcher.
All the boys and the den leaders
silly faces from the gang.
This weekend wore us out. Next weekend we have birthday party on Saturday and that is all I am planning since Halloween is on Monday. That is more than enough excitement for one weekend.Love and hugs,
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