Saturday night, Bug and I took a walk. I did the walking, he rode his scooter. I think he liked going down the big hills around the neighborhood.
We still have breakfast at McDonald's on Sunday. The ladies at "donalds" still make sure Bug is supplied with toys. He ate his breakfast and then worked on putting stickers on his new cars. He was very focused and detailed in his work today.
Church is Kid's Jam for Bug. We were signing him in since this week we were on the schedule to hand out bulletins at the side door.
Spinning around while he waited for people to come to our door.
We celebrated my birthday today. Mam made dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate frosting and cherries on top for me!!! yum, yum. Bug was helping to put the candles on the cake. per the number of candles on the cake, I am 10 years old today.
I leave you to figure out the distribution of the candles.
Ooops- you can see it here. Oh well
Listening to everyone singing to me.
He loves to blow out the candles, so I was trying to stop him, we were both laughing so hard. It was too funny.
he ended up blowing out the candles for me because I was stilling laughing. I managed to blow out 1 candle, I think.
Bug really wanted the cherries
It was a good birthday.
Love and hugs,