Bug was off school today for Martin Luther King day, I was not off work. This is how Bug looked most of the day, snuggled under blankets, food nearby, his lovey, and watching TV. The most interesting comment of the day- me telling Bug to take the swords out of my office. This was said while I was on a conference call for work. Good thing my coworkers are all parents too.

In the afternoon, we had our 6 month dentist appointment. Bug decided he was ready to sit in the chair all by himself. Of course, Miss Patty gave him dental tools to play with while he was in the chair. Bug had no cavities, all his teeth are coming in great. In fact, so great that right now, he might need braces. This is a complete change from this time last year when they were thinking he would need braces. But his permanent teeth are coming in correctly and the deficiency that was present with his baby teeth is being corrected naturally. YES!!!!!!!
Bug and Miss Patty
I was second in the chair, no cavities for me either!!!
6 more months we will be back to see Miss Patty again for teeth cleaning and a check up. Bug has 2 loose teeth right now, so the tooth fairy could be visiting us in the next few months. it could be faster if Bug really worked on loosening his teeth by wiggling them, but he is content to let them loosen without him doing anything.
Bug's ear drum burst tonight. He had no symptoms of an ear infection- no fever, no complaining of pain in his ear and definitely no loss of hearing (the way the last 2 ear infections have been discovered). even when the ear drum burst, he still had no pain. We are off to the doctor tomorrow to see if everything is OK.
And finally, the bug grew another half inch this week- yes that is .75 inches in 2 weeks. He is now 47.75 inches tall. I am not sure if I can keep up with this growth. His school pants from the beginning of the year are now at the tops of his shoes. I might make it thru the next month or so with these pants for him, but I am not counting on it.
That's all for tonight.
Love and hugs,
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