Today, Bug experienced his first circus. It was an early start, so he rested a little bit before J and N arrived to join us.
The circus has a meet and greet for anyone before the show starts. We sat and watched it rather than join the crowd on the floor.
Bug, N and J
Bug said this was his favorite thing in the first part of the show- the fire jugglers.

I thought this was cool- 2 strongmen and a spinning swing type thing.

tight rope walkers
Wheeler walker- Bug liked this too
during intermission, Bug got a stuff animal. He has an entire zoo of animals now. He is very excited to have "Stripes" in his family of animals
our family
a better picture of us.
The best part of the show, per Bug, TIGERS. He thought these were the best
More elephants. I really like them
after the show- showing off their new animals.
This evening, we headed to the farm to visit with Hermano and his family. The boys had animal wars.
I think the day wore Bug out, as I hear him snoring on the couch.
Love and hugs,