I noticed yesterday, that I have grape hyacinths in the yard where I never planted them. And they are in a ring. I know it is the work of birds, but it reminded me of 'fairy rings', so I had to take a picture or 2.

You can see the curve better here. I had to go out and get pictures before the grass cutter, Jay, mowed them all down.
Tonight was Bug's last soccer game this session. He is signed up for one more session before school ends and then he asked to take the summer off from soccer- which I agreed with. Since he will be in summer camp all day, swimming and running around, he will enjoy the time off to just do things. He did say he wants to start back with soccer in the fall. I have to see if he can stay in the same group, even though he should move up. The next group up means he will get to bed late on Thursday nights, which is not good considering he still needs 10+ hours of sleep a night and he usually has tests at school on Fridays.
We'll see what happens.
I can totally see the growth in his skill level and his confidence. He is loving soccer and being more aggressive in going after the ball- not with the other kids, but running after the ball instead of waiting for it to come to him.
at the end of the class, the kids got their certificates. I sit and talk with these 2 kids' mom. Bug and Y are usually on the same side in the games and little sister M talks with me about everything. She is going to start soccer in the next session, but she will be in the group before Bug and Y.
It is hard to get 3 kids to look at the camera at the same time.
That's all for tonight.
Love and hugs,
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