Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Fresh Beat Band concert

Bug and I headed to a concert tonight.  We saw the Fresh Beat Band.  yes, a kids concert, one of Bug's favorite shows to watch.  I think kids concert in the middle of the week are not so good, but I understand this is the only way to have bands tour and still film a TV show.  I think I will definitely reconsider doing a concert in the middle of the week for us- Bug was very tired during the concert.  But he was excited to be there and he enjoyed it.
OK- the picture is out of order- this is the last song.  Just like in the show, they end with "it was a great day, the very best day" song. The band had 4 dancers with this, and this was the only stage set up.  It was very BRIGHT.  Stacy- please note that Kiki is wearing a pink and white skirt and doc marten hot pink boots!!!
Bug, before the show started.

The fresh beat opening- just like the show.  Twist did most of the talking, although Shout was responsible for saying the name of the city over and over.

Bug, watching and not quite sure of this.  I think he was expecting a show like the TV show.

The "friends give friends a hand" song

Intermission.  We hit the bathrooms- crowded, tried to get souvenirs- HAHAHAH, seriously in the wrong spot in the theater and I was not waiting for an hour.  I did get us a bottle of water ($3.00).  I had no clue we could bring food and drinks into the theater, or I would have brought our own drinks and snacks.
Bug decided he needed to take a break and give me some funny faces.  I think I took 20 pictures before he finally gave me a good picture- there were lots of pictures where I am cut off, laughing so hard at Bug's faces.

Almost there with a good picture

Rock Star.  Stacy- for this one, note that the jackets have glitter stars on the back. I saw one kid in the audience with a jacket like this on.  The guys went into the audience a couple of times- the girls never ventured off the stage.

Kiki played three instruments during the show- electric guitar, acoustic guitar and fiddle.

Bug singing along with 'rock star'

"this little light of mine"

The fiddle.  This was during "loco legs".  It is better shot of the hot pink doc martens

Finally, he stood up- because the lower level had giant balls thrown into the audience and he wanted to see them..None made it our level (we were on the box level).

Bug watching the show
On a side note, it was hot in the building.  I was so surprised.  The band even commented on it early in the show.  The show started at 6:30 and ended at 8 pm.  I think the intermission was 20 minutes. They played for about an hour before the intermission, then came back out and did 4 songs back to back.  So really, skip the intermission and it was just over an hour.

we had a great time.  Bug wants to sing now- so this weekend I will be going to get the CD or order it.  because even after the concert, the souvenir stand was mobbed.

Love and hugs,


  1. Quick before my class starts -
    Thanks for the Kiki updates!
    Glad you enjoyed it. Love the pictures!!!

  2. OK, got to read the whole thing. Thanks for all the Kiki info, Deb! I'm NOT spending on the Doc Maartens (or anything like it), and she'll make do with the pink skirt we already have. I'm surprised you only saw one kid wearing a jacket, as that seems to be all the buzz online (seriously, I'm reconsidering not spending the money but I don't have the money to spend on it). The CD is only $9 at Walmart, definitely the cheapest around. It was quite sad that the first time we played it (last night) I knew about 90% of the words.

    I love ths shots of Bug watching the show. He looked like he was really into it! It must have been a very long day for him, but I'm glad he enjoyed it. :)
